I accomplished little today.
, 01-20-2013 at 08:37 PM (1070 Views)
I got the letter to Mom finished. It's four pages. I just wrote as I normally do on here, and the bad thing about that is I can't just move and fiddle with things in a written letter like I can when I type an entry. So, I did leave some stuff out. I could have just added the things in with another draft of the letter, but that's a waste of paper and I can't afford something as trivial as paper right now. I have to pay my share of the bills (and probably Dad's and my brother's), and also work on paying off my credit card and buying that really nice messenger bag that I want on eBay to replace the nearly unusable one I have now. So, my money is already meticulously placed in several different envelopes and there is no money in an envelope for basic office supplies like writing paper.
I was able to provide a very detailed summary of the events since the last letter with the four pages I wrote. At least the card was happy, thought the letter wasn't. I still haven't signed the card. Everyone else wrote too big, and left very space for me to even write my name. I will make it work.
I got my brother to play QWOP today. I had to beg him to do it, or annoy him to do it. I said please tens of times until he agreed. For a game I described as something he would get bored with in five minutes, he played about twenty minutes. That Qwop guy and his inability to run had my brother laughing and smiling. I think I have gotten the keystrokes memorized on how to make Qwop advance down the track without him having to bounce while doing the splits. I just can't get the timing right. He doesn't actually run, though. It's more of a skip, like he's just skipping through a meadow instead of racing in the Olympics. And then I screw up the timing and he trips over his feet and faceplants.
My recent YouTube videos have gotten 9 (QWOP- Ep.1) and 13 (Boonka- Ep.1) each. And that is only after one or two days. I am pleasantly surprised. And with this breakthrough with QWOP, I may be getting a lot more views. I forgot to mention that I received a message from someone on my YouTube today. I checked it this morning, and thought, well, I thought they were truly genuine with their message...until I realized it was some spammy person trying to suck me into some (possibly) virus-filled website. Here's the message:
Now, after all the trouble I have had with viruses on my computer, I am naturally leery when I get messages like this. Especially after the person praised my video so much in the message, but did not give the video a Like. So, what do you think I should do? Report it to YouTube? Check out the link, because I know I am protected in case it is a virus breeding ground? Just forget the message ever came?Originally Posted by SaundraHel22
Part of me would love to get more views on my videos, but part of me feels like it's cheating.
Anyway, tomorrow is MLKJ day. So the mail will not run. Which makes me feel a fool because I was so worried about not finishing Mom's letter in time. I hope she still gets in time for her birthday. As for my plans. Probably more of the same from today. Just like a non-holiday Monday.
I will do something different and wish to see you all around the forums by closing with a brand new music video from Tiny-G (a Kpop girl group)