LEGO Boy is not such a bad game...
, 05-14-2014 at 05:43 AM (679 Views)
I have hit an obstacle in Sly 3 that I can't seem to cross. It is the mission where Murray is trying to bring the van back after he found it encased in ice. I am unable to get through the second stage of it, where the Panda King shoots the bad guys with fireworks to help Murray get back safely. It is quite frustrating, because I have tried maybe 30 times already. In the meantime, it is allowing Joey to catch up to me. Not really. It isn't really him playing his game. I complete the missions, and he runs around and hits people. That's just how it works.
I also started a save file on Joey's LEGO City Undercover game. When we play together, I have no idea what's going on. Joey skips the story bits, and then he expects me to know what is going on. The game is so much different when you're not just roaming through the city crashing into everything and breaking the blocks. It's focused on a younger audience, but the story is a good one and teaches good lessons, at least from what I've played of it.
I went and bought the DLC for Fallout: New Vegas last night. Or rather, I bought yesterday afternoon, but didn't get to install it until late last night. The wi-fi signal was not strong enough to allow the downloads and updates to complete quickly. So while these were happening, I watched television. It was the first time in several years that I have watched an actual show on a television. And I must say that shows have not really changed much since the last time. It's not something that I want to continue to do.
Anyway, my plan for today is to play New Vegas, attempt to finish that mission in Sly 3, and to get ready for Joey's graduation. After that, I have to get ready for work. It is supposed to rain, maybe even severe, so that will be fun. I think the only thing I have going for me is that it won't be as humid. So there's that.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...