The chips line up...
, 02-16-2014 at 09:15 PM (676 Views)
Mom and I played Sequence for more than two hours this evening. I won 8 games with 25 Sequences, and Mom won 6 games with 24 Sequences. She told me to keep a tally for the next time we play, and we'll add it on to tonight's total; much like how Dad and I kept track of every hand of Rummy we played.
The site I write articles for is having a big event, with the big prize being a copy of the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster. I have to write a piece for the main site on it to help spread the word. I don't have any other articles planned. I did write one about the new mobile Hitman game, though.
Today I spent a good chunk of the day here by myself. My brother and Mom went to the grocery store together, and then this evening Mom went to visit family and my brother spent time with friends. The weird thing is that Mom asked my brother and I if she could go. We both told her the same thing; that she didn't have to ask permission to go places because she is the parent and we are the children. Mom did it out of impulse because she is so used to having to ask permission to go anywhere in prison.
Well, that's about it for today. I didn't play a whole lot of video games. I tried to play some of Final Fantasy XIII, but I just wasn't feeling it to play very long. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...