Confound the requirement to have a title for every single entry!
, 04-26-2013 at 06:44 PM (775 Views)
Today I spent the day playing video games. First, I played Fallout 3. I completed the mission where you deliver Lucy West's letter to her family, and met a colony of "vampires". I also completed the mission over in Big Town. I don't like those Super Mutants at all. I found that they don't like when I throw grenades and set mines, though; so all is well.
Anyway, the reason why I started yet another new game in Fallout 3 is because I don't like the main story enough to want to stick with it. I don't like how my character is wanting to search for him, despite being told to not look for him. Maybe looking for him will answer some questions, but there is just so much out there for my character to do and make a name for himself. I don't know. Maybe it's just that my relationship with my father isn't the type to make me want to look for him if he goes missing.
I earned two trophies today for this game.
Next, I played Final Fantasy XIII. With some advice from Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, I managed to defeat Barthandelus in Oerba. Right now, the party is completing even more Cie'th Stone missions. I have completed 38 Cie'th Stone missions. Most recently, four in the ring of Cie'th Stones. The only thing keeping me from earning the mid-level Cie'th Stone trophy is the mission to defeat the Ochu. I can't kill that thing. Other than that, progress in this game is fine. In fact, I am kinda thinking of just doing the story stuff now, since I am so close to finishing the game.
I earned no trophies today for this game.
Finally, I played Eufloria (which I realized I had been misspelling for quite a while). I am still stuck on Level 11. Not much I can say about it other than it is really frustrating. Still, it is quite fun.
I earned one trophy for this game.
Tomorrow, I am possibly going to the office to help move stuff around. But, I may not go. It is supposed to rain tomorrow. Not only that, we will only be doing the rearranging for two hours. My trip there and back is nearly two hours (90 minutes actually). There isn't much reason to ride for me to ride for 45 minutes, and then work for two hours, only to ride another 45 minutes back home. If it was going to be longer, it would be worth my time to get there. But it isn't. I don't know. I don't have any other plans.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...