Birthday Blues, caused by extreme cold.
, 01-03-2014 at 10:34 PM (1076 Views)
Before my brother and I left for town, I boiled some water and put it in a sealed container. I had the feeling that the lock on the shed would be frozen. This is because I had to pour some of the water I was giving Luca when I fed her on her gate to thaw out the ice that had formed on it in order to open it and feed her. I am glad I brought the water, because the lock was indeed frozen. The person who brings the papers to the office had no luck in unlocking the shed, so he left the papers on one of the porches.
As I was separating the papers for the carriers, I noticed something. The header logo was different. And it wasn't the one I made. I was a little mad that they didn't use one of my designs. And then a little mad that I didn't even get a call saying that they want to use one of them. Anyway, what bother me the most is that the new logo looks horrible. Not only that, the paper itself is an embarrassment to look at. I was embarrassed to deliver it; and if I had the choice, I wouldn't have delivered it. I wanted to let out my frustrations by posting both logo pictures on Facebook and doing a poll of sorts. But that might cost me my job for complaining in that way. So, I figured why not post the pictures in this journal and have you all choose which one looks better. Basically, I really just want to be assured that it's not my personal bias. What I'll do is put them below, and in the comments section just tell which you like more. I won't tell you which one is mine, though it's obvious which one it is.
Moving on...
Despite being really cold on my route, I was sweating. The problem here was that it would freeze my hair. And my eyelashes would freeze to my face from time to time and make it difficult to see. I brushed the ice out of my hair (I bring a hairbrush with me), and it was probably the most painful thing I have ever experienced. The route itself was fine. The cold weather caused people to not be on the roads as much. But my frozen hair was probably the worst.
I left town at 1pm and made my way to Grandma's. Then, Grandma and I watched television and talked about everything that had happened since I last saw her (on Monday). At 3pm, I left to go home. When I got home, I stoked the fire. Then I slept. I was so tired.
And when I woke up it was dark and cold (well, it was already cold before that). So, I gave the cats their dinner and brought firewood in, and then went online to check all of the online things. Now I writing this entry. For dinner, I had chicken ramen with chicken fries. I never baked my birthday cake. I was just so sleepy when I got home. If I had went ahead and made it, I may have fallen asleep and ruined it while it was in the oven.
My birthday wasn't too bad. It wasn't too good. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Reading those messages were the best part of my day.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...