Cold Lines
, 01-04-2014 at 10:39 PM (738 Views)
I rode to Sinking Spring this morning. It was really, really cold. But it was manageable. It wasn't AS cold as it was yesterday, so that was nice. It wasn't much warmer, but it wasn't as cold. I had to buy some cat food today, so I stopped over at Family Dollar while I was there. Unfortunately for me, their computers were acting up, so I had to wait to complete my purchase. While I waited, I looked at all of the things I couldn't buy. Like a movie called Pokémon Heroes. I have never heard of it before, but I am interested in watching it.
And then there were SEGA Genesis and Atari Plug-N-Play systems. Those were on a high shelf, so I couldn't look at the other side of the box for more details. It would be really neat if they could play games other than what is installed in them. But I wouldn't want to spend $30 on something I probably would never play. I mean, I don't even play most of the games I already own. But I can honestly say that the only thing I left the store with was cat food. And a coupon on my receipt for 75 cents off the brand of cat food I buy. Not only that, the bag I bought was already one dollar cheaper than usual. If the price is the same next time, I will save even more money.
It was so cold overnight that Luca's water bowl was almost completely frozen. There was a little water left at the bottom. I tried to bust the ice out while I was out at her doghouse, but I couldn't. So I carried it into the house. I took the water bowl into Mom and Dad's shower and turned on the hot water. After a couple minutes, the ice had melted enough to slide out of the bowl. Then, I cleaned it and put some water from the shower in the bowl, and when I got back out to her house I put what I had in a jug in the bowl as well. You may wondering how big her water bowl is to make me have to carry it into a shower in order to melt the ice. Well, it's bigger than a 5-gallon bucket, and weighs a lot. Especially when it's filled with ice.
After all that, I got myself comfortable and starting playing some Katamari Damacy. I was wrapped up in a blanket with the heater in my room pointed toward me. I finished the game and made a 872 meter Moon. It's nothing compared to the real thing, but it made the King of All Cosmos say things I had never thought he would say. His speech was so much more colorful than usual that it made me think he was going to explode from the excitement. He didn't explode, but it would've made for a great secret ending.
After that U and I took a nap. A while later, we woke up to something banging on the house. At first I thought it was a cat trying to get in from the deck. But I couldn't see anything. I looked out front to see a fancy company truck. It was then when I knew what the banging was. Our area was getting brand new electric meters, and the banging was the noise from the person installing the one for here. So, I went back to the couch, and U and I continued our nap.
At 3pm, my brother came home. I hurried to get the blanket from the bottom of the door and unlocked it. I didn't want him to tear the blanket up when he opened the door. I keep the blanket there to keep the cold air from coming in. It really works well.
Then he left a few minutes after getting home. It seems he wasn't finished with what he was doing. So, I turned on the computer. Speaking of which, I guess the cold weather has been affecting the Internet cable from my room to the main box on the side of the house. Several times today my Internet would just shut off. It's odd, because it has never done that before. And it also hasn't been this cold since I have had it hooked up.
The rest of the day was spent playing video games and watching YouTube videos. I had cheese Pizza Rolls for dinner. I told my brother when he finally came home that I want something from McDonald's soon, as a birthday dinner because I didn't have any kind of celebration here. He dismissed it and chose to tell me about his experience having one of those fancy coffee drinks you can buy at McDonald's.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums. Before I end this tonight, I'd like to mention that first major entry of my new gaming blog was posted today. Today was the first SaturPLAY entry, in which I talk about the games I've played during the week. And then there's also 3³ Gaming NEWSday on Tuesday, and Reviews on Thursday (with no cheesy title at present). I hope you like reading 3³ Gaming! Anyway, until then...