Codephrase for "I'm gonna bring my 'girlfriend' over tonight" is...
, 06-14-2013 at 08:18 PM (947 Views)
"Do you have to work tomorrow?"
I appreciate my brother asking, but when have I ever had to work on a Saturday? It's not like it would have made a difference if I had said yes, because he wouldn't have cared. This is the fourth night in the last week! Just because I don't have to work the next day does not mean that I want to hear (or smell) her. It's not like I could fight back by bringing someone here as my guest, because most likely it would be welcomed as me finally doing something deemed as "normal" in this house.
He thinks that because he pays a portion of the bills that he is entitled to do as he pleases. I think that he should learn who pays what and what "power" he truly has here. He should know that his one-third of the electric and water bills are not the house payments. I pay the entire house payment as well as my "fair portion" of the utility bills.
What bugs me most is not the fact that he is doing these things. Yes it bugs me to no end, but it's just that he is still technically married that bothers me more. Even if he's married to someone who I knew from the start was no good for him and below his station. Someone who eventually thought it best to accuse him of molesting her child and their daughter, took him to some no account television show, and now has a percentage of the country think that he is in fact a child molester (although they have probably forgotten and moved on to some other train wreck by now, I hear Amanda Bynes is doing great things now to take the public eye off of Lindsey Lohan LOL).
Oh well. Though I may lose a night of sleep because of their constant loud noises, it's his life he is ruining. It can't be helped. If he wants to be with someone who is nearly as old as our parents (Amy has three children, the oldest being 21), then all I can do is vent my frustrations here until the opportunity comes where I can tell him what's wrong in his life. And seriously, how can he not smell her?
Moving on...
Here is a screenshot of the current Gaming King results.
The election ends in 16 hours, 45 minutes, and I am currently in seventh place. There has been a tidal wave of votes to come in since 3pm EDT for me that I have overtaken one of the Minecraft gamers. I haven't given up! Click here to go to my contest entry page and cast every vote you possibly can to help widen the gap between 8th place and myself, and shorten the gap between me and 7th place.
I have decided to take a break from active campaigning after this election ends. I will still put my name in when the new elections begin, but I will not be begging for votes. And it kind of makes sense, because I will be taking a break from uploading videos as well. It will give me time to make new content and give me time to possibly change the focus of my channel. I have been saying I want to venture into vlogging, so maybe this will give me time to do that.
I turned in my submission for the semi-final round of the GFX tournament. It's really poorly made; but I hit a wall today when I was making it, and so I just turned in what I did.
I am banking on the nostalgia that Sailor Moon gives the voting community to get me through to the finals. That, and the hope that my opponent doesn't turn in an entry in time. Maybe I will get lucky in that regard.
I am continuing to climb the long ladder to the top in osu!mania. Worldwide, I am ranked 21,126; and 1,037 in the U.S. I keep teetering somewhere between 950 and 1,050. It is getting more and more difficult as I get closer to the top. If only it was as easy to get the top spot in Osu!'s rankings as it is in Raptr's tracking of the game. I am in the top 7.7% of gamers for the game.
Tomorrow I will try to do laundry, if my brother doesn't take control of the machine first. I have also noticed that something smells dead when I walked through the laundry room today. I think I may also work on cleaning my room. I managed to clean off my sofa, so now I can play video games on my big television rather than using the small one. But I actually prefer the small one, because it has a better screen resolution than the big one and I can read what the screen says when I play Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) (which is something I haven't played in a while and should play again).
I have also thought of commandeering the fancy widescreen television in Dad's sitting room for gaming. It's not getting any use anymore, and all it does now is serve as a really big and really heavy dust collector.
But yeah, laundry and room cleaning. Maybe.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until next we meet...