Pedaling on Fumes
, 08-22-2013 at 10:25 PM (918 Views)
I did not sleep at all last night. Literally. When I posted yesterday's entry, I felt wide awake. I thought watching some anime would make me sleepy, but it didn't. The next thing I know, it was 2:30am, then 3:30, then I just decided that going to sleep would be pointless. So, I left the house at 4:30am to go to work.
The ride there was fine. The cool air kept me feeling awake and ready to complete my route like usual. However, I got to the office and the papers weren't there yet. I am glad I didn't leave any earlier than I did, because I would have been very angry. The papers didn't arrive until 7:30am. I was there for over two hours with nothing to do. I even tried to take a nap, but the street lights prevented me from doing that. When they finally arrived, I worked as fast as I could to get done before it became too hot to do anything.
I was finished after noon today, and I didn't stick around to help out the office staff. I wanted to get home. At Grandma's I ate lunch while Grandma and Dad finished mowing her yard. Then I got to pick some vegetables to bring home.
Dad brought me home. After that, I fell asleep. I woke up at nearly 9pm. I guess I was really tired. I then fed the cats their dinner, and went back inside. I caught up on the stuff I missed today, and then I wrote my gaming blog entry.
And now I am writing this entry. That was my day. Tomorrow I am going to Sinking Spring to deliver, then watch the new EYK Live Chat. And then I have nothing planned for the rest of the day. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...