The Christmas Party
, 12-19-2012 at 07:46 PM (672 Views)
Today was quite a good day. I am now able to finalize the paper without requiring approval from the others. I am nearly finished with my first specialty product (a menu). And the Facebook page I made for the paper has received compliments from the owner. She thinks it is a great idea, and even offered some other thoughts on how to further promote the business. She still has yet to Like it, but she has shared some of the posts that I have made. It would be great if the page could get 30 Likes, because then Facebook offers "insights on the activity". Almost there, almost there.
This week's paper is the second that will have color. Two weeks in a row with color is great for the business. Color is so much better, as it makes the paper stand out more.
Today was also the office party. Everyone received a $15 gas card, except for me (since I don't drive). I got $15 in cash. Which is so much better than a gas card. I mean, most likely if everyone received cash, they would probably spend it on gas. They are all forced to, while I get to choose. And since I don't have any need to buy gas, I will spend it on something else.
We had a timed coloring contest, and I won the second round. My holiday teddy bear looked the best. Unfortunately, I didn't place in the first round. Crayons were grab and go, and Misty kept our shared brown crayon when we were coloring gingerbread houses. I tried to make up for it by focusing on the cream edges and candy flowers, but it still looked bad with only one brown wall. Anyway, our prizes were scratch-off lottery tickets. Is that what professionals in the field of information distribution (newspapers) want as prizes? Having only been on the professional side for five weeks, I am not sure. Nevertheless, the prize was not worth it because each of the tickets did not win us anything. The only prize worth a positive amount of money (because the tickets were a waste of $10) was the $5 Gabby won for picking the correct number that the owner thought of. I should have brought a game from home for our entertainment. The games we played were stupid.
Along with the $15 cash, I also received...
a DVD of Call of the Wild (seen it)
a pair earbuds (won't use it, I prefer headphones)
a thermal coffee cup (again, won't use it)
a new wallet (I won't use this either, the card slots won't fit my library or credit card. My check doesn't fit in either)
The most useful thing (other than the money) was the gift bag everything came in. I will use that. Itsy Bitsy has been eyeing it seen she first saw it. I have the feeling it will become her new play fort.
Speaking of Itsy Bitsy, she sleeps in my room now. Omega does when he feels like it. In an effort to keep the two of them safe since Kunoichi's dissappearance/death, having them in the house more makes them feel wanted more than ever before. And the two of them are surprisingly well-mannered and only use the bathroom outside.
Well, I have to wake up early tomorrow, and a rain/snow storm is supposed to arrived just as I finish my route, so I will end this for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until that time arrives...