Die Lavos Spawn! DIE! Oh crap, not another one!!!
, 11-06-2012 at 08:02 PM (3814 Views)
The title is exactly what I said after I defeated the first Lavos Spawn and discovered that there were more than one. I learned that it is best to just attack the head and only attack the head, because if the body gets attacked at all, then the party gets killed. I did manage to defeat the one, though. The second one killed me, several times. I ended up saving my game and proceeded to play GTA: Vice City the rest of the day.
I completed all of my current story missions. Now I am working on the missions that I have associated with the properties I bought. I finished the boatyard and taxi company missions. I also bought the car lot today. I keep getting busted when I work in the "ice cream" truck.
I got the line conditioner for my phone/Internet in the mail today. Before, I would only go on the Internet at night because the chance of someone calling the phone is lower, but now they are both hooked up. I wouldn't have needed the thing if we had another phone jack in the house, but it doesn't matter now. Also, my computer programs that I ordered came today by UPS. The only problem is that I don't get them until tomorrow. Apparently, the company I bought them from sent them with a C.O.D. Which really sucked at the time, because I had no idea of this. So now I have to go to Grandma's tomorrow and have her write a check for them. If I had known ahead of time that it would be this way, I would have already had it done. But no worries. I don't like how the company didn't send me a notice or something ahead of time.
In other news, I bought Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days a little bit ago. For only $6.24 with free shipping. It is only the game, but still a great deal.
Last night I stayed up until almost 2 am watching YouTube videos. I also checked on how my videos were doing. I have 150 video views total now. It is still nowhere near the 5,200 views that the video of my brother on The Steve Wilkos Show has received, but I am glad that some people have watched my videos without me having to ask them to. The video I made of me playing FFVI (The battle with Whelk) has the most views among my videos, but they are all pretty close in amount.
My sister's boyfriend gave me some games to play. Borrow, actually. Monopoly- featuring classic and world edition boards, and Legion: The Legend of Excalibur. I have played the Monopoly game, and have unlocked most of the boards already. But I have never Legion before. I was hoping to get Dragonquest VIII or Suikuden (spellcheck) IV. I played a bit of both of those the last time my sister brought the games here. I had actually asked to borrow their Spongebob Squarepants game (I was really REALLY bored when I started playing it) because I nearly finished it when my sister was staying here last time. I wanted to finish it and add it to the list, as well as get rid of it from my memory card. If someone were to steal my memory card, I would not want them to know that I played that stupid game (with its annoying yet catchy music).
Some more comments have been made about my brother on that picture I was talking about yesterday. I made a comment of my own. Feel free to check it out on Facebook if you get the chance. I think I was quite polite in my way of speaking, and in no way did I (directly) call anyone out on their crap about my brother. I just don't think it's right for him to talked about like that without him being able to defend himself.
Anyway, I think that's about it for tonight. Nothing left to do but hope that I see you all tomorrow at the forums!