Catchy blog title, I should write them down.
, 03-14-2013 at 07:00 PM (837 Views)
I didn't get to work this morning until 8am. And because of the cold temperature, I didn't finish my route until noon. Which is not what I was planning. I wanted to be finished by 10am, so I could get as much office pay as possible. Oh well. I still accomplished quite a bit in the three hours I did get. And I guess 60% of a normal day's pay is still better than 0%.
I received Metal Gear Solid 4 and Jak 2 in the mail today. I put MGS4 in the PS3 and while it was installing the trophy updates, I played and tried out Jak 2 in the PS2. Does it normally take 150 minutes for game updates to be installed? That's how long it took for MGS4. I was able to test out Jak 2, make a pizza for dinner, and even take a short nap in that time.
But the wait was so worth it. The game is amazing. I played until just before starting this entry. I had to force myself to stop, because I knew I would be up all night playing if I didn't.
Right now, my brother is playing GTAIV. I should play that game more. That way I won't be blown away when I find out crucial things. Like how.
Spoiler: Michelle, your girlfriend, is working for the government
Since I don't have work to do for the next four days, I will once again spend the bulk of this time gaming. I am also going to try and catch up on sleep.
Fallout 3 still hasn't arrived. It seems like the seller is walking it to my house. I know the estimated arrival date is the 18th, but it never should have taken this long. I mean, I ordered it ten days ago. If I can order something five days after I order Fallout 3, and it arrives in only five days, it should not take something that is closer to me so long to get here. It's just not good on retaining customers. Oh well.
Well, my brother is continuously spoiling Grand Theft Auto IV for me, so I may as well watch him play and become a backseat gamer instead of getting upset that he's spoiling it for me. That's all for now then. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...