My Spacebar doesn't want to space things out...
, 09-27-2014 at 06:52 AM (792 Views)
I am almost finished with the story in Final Fantasy X. Before bed last night, I defeated the parts of Sin and entered it. Now I am at the Save Point before the unmapped region before the final Seymour battle (where the airship is). I have all of the aeons, and all of the Celestial Weapons. Only Tidus' and Yuna's weapons are fully leveled though. The other weapons have the crest; except for Rikku, who is still at the No AP stage.
The Trophy Hunters League has started back up after its three-day break. This season features the inclusion of breaks here and there to allow players the chance to rest after their marathon gaming sessions. Since my involvement in the contest is low this time around, I was completely oblivious that the break was occurring, or that the break had ended. Anyway, I am planning to get a few points with Final Fantasy X during this match. My opponent is man_with_adjat, one of the most well-liked players. It will be fun going up against him.
Today I am riding to Peebles to mow, deposit my check, and get some things from my other bikes to put on the Schwinn. I am keeping the Schwinn in the house for right now. There's no sense putting it outside for it to get rusty.
And I guess, that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...