Can one's head explode from seeing so much cute...?
, 09-29-2014 at 09:26 AM (831 Views)
So in some crazy twist of events, I am currently in the lead in the fourth match of the Trophy Hunters League. I haven't even been trying. I would earn a trophy here and there for Final Fantasy X or Slender: The Arrival, and I never thought for a moment that I would actually be in the lead. And you know what, seeing my self in the lead is making me want to actually try to win this match. So, I installed the DLC and stuff for Thief, and I am going to try and work on it for this match and maybe the next one. It's like a gust of wind has come and picked me up from my slump of having a piece of junk console that will only play certain games.
Moving on...
In Final Fantasy X, I am at the final save point of the game. The battle with Jecht is really not going well. I can get him to around 35,000 of the 120,000 HP, and then I keep getting the bad luck of being in between summons when he goes into Overdrive. It's annoying, but I will defeat him. One thing I never really understood was why they have to fight Jecht in the first place. They're standing right in front of him, and he is practically accepting his fate. Why can't Yuna just go ahead and send him to the Farplane? In his current state as an aeon, he is just a mass of pyreflies like the other aeons. So I wouldn't think a fight is really necessary. But I guess it is necessary for story development. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to Tidus (or whatever you chose to name him) to go on that long journey to watch his father essentially give up what life he has left.
And I am actually, playing Slender: The Arrival, and not quitting after a few minutes. Yesterday I watched a video of someone playing on YouTube, and then I played along with the person. It is less scary when I know what to do and have someone (or the voice of someone) nearby. I've even earned a few of the trophies in the game.
This morning when I went to feed Itsy Bitsy and Stri-P-Grr, they were joined by two of the cutest kittens I have ever seen. It seems that Itsy Bitsy had babies recently. I know they're Itsy's kittens because they act half-wild. I picked one up, and it bit me! Carma is wanting the cats to start coming in the house because of winter coming soon, but it won't be easy if they don't want to go in.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...