It's snowing again.
, 02-23-2014 at 08:58 PM (896 Views)
I spent the day playing Skyrim. Like, more than 12 hours was spent traipsing across the wilderness. I am now Level 30, so I am getting closer to the next trophy. As for skills, I have been trying to raise the lower skills. But using shields or two-handed weapons or heavy armor is not my thing at all. I know that now is a good time to raise those skills, because it's easier to do; but I still prefer magic and light armor. One-handed weapons are only used when I run out of Magicka. And I still haven't made Sneaking legendary yet. I don't want to start it back at 15, though I know I should. Especially with how easy it is to raise the Sneaking skill.
I should really get to work on finishing Final Fantasy XIII-2. I have just over three weeks until my copy arrives (with Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster), and I still haven't played it in weeks. Final Fantasy XIII hasn't been played lately either. And with Thief coming this week, I don't know when I'll find time to play much else. By the way, has anyone heard about the Thief Modding Contest Square Enix and AMD are holding? For those of you who like mods in video games, you can go and make one yourself or pitch the idea in a video. There are a lot of great prizes in store for two lucky winners. Plus, every person that enters gets a free digital copy of Thief: Gold. If I knew anything about mods, I would consider entering.
Well, that's about it for tonight. U is sleeping in my spot, and I want that spot tonight. And since it's getting cold again, I want to be plenty comfortable tonight. For the next week it will be cold again. It's just winter's way of telling us to deal with it. At least we had a couple days of good weather recently. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...