Bodybuilding for Dogs...
, 07-07-2014 at 05:19 AM (902 Views)
I got everything that I needed to do finished yesterday. While Carma and Joey were out shopping, I mowed the yard. I got a nice gaming session in. And I even took a nap to catch up on the sleep I haven't been getting.
Luca continues to drag the cinder block all over the yard. It's like it is a piece of her now, as easily as she takes it with her. So, I added another one. I'm hoping she realizes that she needs to keep them at her doghouse. I have the feeling that the next step I will have to take is to dig a hole, put the cinder blocks in it, and then pour concrete in the hole. That's actually not a bad idea. Anyway, each time I take her back to her area, she goes back into her pool. I guess her paws get hot, and she wants to cool them off. That, and then she shoves her her whole head into the water. Silly dog. That plastic pool is the best $10 I have ever spent on her. Well, that and her dog license each year.
In gaming, I played Skyrim, and inched myself a little closer to some of the remaining trophies I need. I still a long way to go before I even finish the base game trophy list, let alone the DLC lists. Then, in LittleBigPlanet I made quite a bit of progress. I earned eleven trophies yesterday. I have been reading a trophy guide, and learning how to earn all of the trophies. There's still a bit to do. And now that I have more than one controller, I don't have to rely on some person in who knows where to help me complete the levels. Now I can do them myself. It does feel weird playing two controllers at once, but I am managing it. Finally, I started up a save file in Nier, to try and get the last three trophies for that game. I guess if I had to put a number to how close I am to finally earning the remaining trophies, it would be 5%, 2.5%, and 0%. Basically, I have three weapons, and all are at Level 1.
I also palyed Pokémon X for a bit, and earned the second Gym Badge. I guess all I can say is "Yay!" I watched an episode of the show a couple week's ago, and it looks like I am closer to finishing the game than Ash is. So, Yay!
Well, the plan today is to feed the animals after this is posted. Then, I pretty much have no obligations for the day. It will be hot today, so it is a nice day to stay inside and play video games. That is, until the storm this afternoon. If it gets too bad, I won't be able to play video games. I still follow the no playing electronics while there is a thunderstorm going on rule. Kind of. I usually resort to playing a handheld gaming device if it gets bad outside. I think the only thing I have to look forward to in terms of weather is that the wind may be blowing in the right direction to ventilate my bedroom. Maybe.
So, I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...