The house to myself.
, 11-24-2012 at 06:56 PM (5256 Views)
As I type this, I am enjoying a quiet night at home. That is basically the only thing worth writing about, so to keep you entertained I will ask that you all watch this...
I have had this song stuck (more like branded) in my head for two days now. It is extremely catchy, and the dance is quite easy to learn. One of the women singing is a competitive eater, believe it or not.
It looks like I will be having guests tomorrow. My sister's boyfriend's son wants to come over and play video games. I agreed. So, I have been playing Pokemon LeafGreen off and on today. I am still at the beginning stages of the game. I chose Bulbasaur as my starter. I don't know how far I will get in the game before tomorrow, but I at least want to get some of the Pokemon that don't appear in FireRed. I want to also test his battling skill.
Other than that, I played some more of Final Fantasy VII. Not much can be said for this, except for me saying that I am almost at the first posting point.
Dad just came home. He was at Suzy's watching a movie. She was already here today, and he just had to go watch the movie she illegally downloaded from the Internet. My brother, on the other hand, is out with one of his friends. He will be going back to Dayton tomorrow. He said that he may move back after the holidays. This is good and bad. It's good because he will finally be away from all that negativity there. But it's bad because of the uncertainty that he will be productive when he moves back. I mean, he sure wasn't too productive when he lived here before, but hopefully he's grown up since then.
I started watching anime again. I have been catching up on Saki: Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A today. I still haven't watched the finale episode of it yet. Anyway, the point is I know what I want for Christmas. I want a mahjong set, or enough money to buy a mahjong set. It doesn't have to be fancy, I saw a really nice set for only $30 when I was looking up stuff today.
I don't know how to play the competitive type, but I learn fast. In sixth grade, I was in a chess tournament for our Talented and Gifted class. I was taught how to play in 90 minutes, and managed to get fourth place in the tournament. So, mahjong can't be too much harder to learn, can it? I have a mahjong program from that bundle of computer programs I bought, but I haven't installed it. It seems to be the Solo kind of Mahjong, not the kind you play with other people. I may have to see if I am able to boot it up on my computer (not the borrowed one I'm using to access the Internet).
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...