A bed to sleep in...
, 03-23-2014 at 07:18 PM (868 Views)
I guess tomorrow it becomes official. I am probably turning in my key to the house I have called home for nearly nine years. All that is left of mine there is my dog, four of my cats (Flea and lowercase are here now), and tons of memories. Tons. This morning, my brother and I packed up the cat house and tried to get the cats to come with us. I would have had three this morning, but U jumped out before my brother could close the door of the camper shell on his truck. So Flea and lowercase were the only ones who made the trip. Itsy Bitsy, Stri-P-Grr and Omega have all avoided capture. And I can't blame them. They know that house as their home, it's all they know. The only cat that wasn't born at the house was U. I am probably going to bring Luca here tomorrow. I hope my brother has enough time to haul the doghouse and Luca in the morning. Otherwise, I may have to wait for Dad...if he decides to show up.
The situation for Mom is looking darker. Her friend wasn't able to get in contact with the camper owner, so she has no real shelter at the moment. This is her and my brother's last night in the house. Mom said that her friend (the one with the friend who owns the camper) would most likely take her in until the camper is acquired. If not, she is homeless. And that's something I can't bear to think about. When I do, it just makes me so angry and sad at the same time. Sad because I can't provide a home for her myself, and angry because I know that it was the work of people who enjoy bringing her down that did this to us. Mom said that none of this would have happened if she had stayed in prison. She's most likely right, but she served her full sentence (unlike a certain father I have mentioned many times). And it's just not fair that we are having this happen to us, all because they don't like Mom.
In the end, it has become clear who my real family is. I know that I can't trust anyone I thought I could. The Swayne name holds no love or good feelings with me anymore. The lot of them have turned their backs on us, and so now I will run forward until I am in front. They will only see the back side of me from now on. It's not that difficult. The only members of my family I see on a regular basis is Grandma, and that's easy to fix. I will simply not go to her house anymore. Her son has made it clear that I am no longer a part of their family, and that is perfectly fine with me. I would spend too much time at Grandma's anyway. The only way I will reconsider my decision is if my no-good Uncle apologizes for what he's done and gives me back the money I gave him for the house. After all, I was giving him money to one day own the house. I was not renting it. If I can't own it, I want my money back.
Carma gave Joey a super early birthday present. She bought him a Wii U, and had me get it all put together. After that, the two of us played that Mario U game. It seems fun. I finished the first level. And then Joey used up all of the lives we had and we had to start over from the very beginning. Using the GamePad is weird. Carma says she'll get a controller thing for the two of us to play together. She had me look up information on what is needed.
I now have a bed to sleep in. Carma readied a room for me. I helped her carry the heavy totes upstairs for her. But I do have a bed to sleep in now. I haven't even sat in it yet, so I have no idea on how comfortable it is. I hope it is, because I don't want to sleep on the floor.
Tomorrow it is supposed to be cold. Much colder than it should be. And then on Tuesday it is forecast to snow. That's just what I need, what with Mom possibly living outside with nowhere to go. I am going to try and make an appointment with the bank tomorrow. I am hoping I can get an affordable monthly payment on the house I want. I will have to get my printer out and see if I can connect it to the laptop. And I also want to see if it's possible to make my desktop computer connect to the Internet wirelessly. The laptop is convenient and all, but it is really slow to use.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...