Of course I get a flat tire when I don't have an extra inner tube...
, 05-14-2014 at 07:16 PM (1103 Views)
When we got home from Joey's kindergarten graduation, Joey and I went out to ride bikes. He was given a new bike as a present, and I went and got my bike out so we could ride together. Well, the rear tire on the bike was flat. It had air in it when I got back from Sinking Spring on Friday, so I must have ran over something and it leaked out during the week. Anyway, it won't hold air now. I inflated it, but not even an hour later it was flat again.
I called Mom and asked her to find my brother, and see if he could bring one of my other bikes here on his way home. She hadn't seen him since this morning, and didn't know where he was. I then asked one of his friends who he hangs out with. She said that if she sees him, she will have him get in touch with Mom. Then, my brother drove by here really fast. I was outside at the time, and tried to wave him down. He didn't seem to notice, and drove on by. I really hope he is able to help me out.
My plan is to inflate it before I leave for Peebles. Then, I will go and get one of my other bikes out from the storage unit. I can use one of the inner tubes in it to replace the flat one. Or better yet, use the black Nel Lusso for my route. The pedal is a bit wonky from having been welded on after it broke off last winter, but it works. And then when Ace Hardware opens up, I will stock up on inner tubes. Sure, they will be 0.10 inches smaller than what I need, but it will work until I can get the correct size.
The worst part I think is that we stopped at Ace Hardware today before going to the graduation. I thought of buying an inner tube, but I ended up not doing it. Instead I went and bought a pair of black slip-on shoes ten minutes later at another store. I don't like the high-tops I have that Mom found in the closet before we moved.
In other news, Mom went to her parole meeting today. It went well. Or I assume it went well, because Mom isn't in jail at the moment. However, Amy did not. She is being looked for now by the police and her probation officer. Also, I was told that Dad went to have stints put on his heart today. I responded by saying that I hope something occurs during the procedure and causes him to die. Then we discussed how the three of us kids would not get anything, because floozy would take everything. I said that the only thing I want is to see his lifeless body so I can spit on it. I don't care about his junk, and I certainly wouldn't want any of it. My brother and sister might, but not me. Anyway, when we were coming home from the graduation, there were several vehicles at Grandma's house. floozy's SUV was among them. Mom said that they were probably recounting Dad's hospital procedure there.
There was a tornado warning in effect while we were at the restaurant today before the graduation. It was raining really hard, and the tornado siren sounded as well. I guess there was a touch down about twenty miles away. It was enough to cause the channel 13 news team to come out here. I don't even know where channel 13 is from. I was told Charleston, West Virginia.
And it is raining right now as I type this. There is a 90% chance of rain up until 1pm tomorrow. And most likely, it will rain while I am on my bike. Or while I am walking alongside my bike. In fact, the wi-fi signal went out as I was typing this, so I have no idea when I will actually post it. I will go and reset the box thing. One moment...
Well, the signal is not working. I will go and save this as a text document. Wait, never mind. It is working now. I should finish this before it goes out again. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...