And in the last twelve hours, I...
, 04-11-2014 at 08:03 PM (1007 Views)
finished that birthday card for Carma. She liked it. I actually put off making it until fifteen minutes before she woke up. I used a sheet of the card stock paper I earned from that one design I did for Iris. She has the card sitting on the big stand just as you come in through the side door. She asked me how I went about making it, and I told her and answered the questions she had of it. It was pretty basic, really. I didn't give myself enough time to fancy it up or anything. Also, I think my color ink cartridge is going bad. It only printed yellow and black ink. I have another couple of cartridges somewhere in here, I just have to find them.
I finished Chapter 2 of Thief today. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people I know that play this. In fact, I am not sure that there are any. It's definitely different than what I am used to playing.
I had some spicy buffalo wings for dinner this evening. I am trying to eat things that are near their expiration date, that way the fridge and freezer won't require another big throwout.
Tomorrow the lighting person is supposed to show up. After he finished up with the lights in Joey's room, Carma and I will assemble Joey's bed while the lighting guy puts up the lights in the rest of the house.
I guess that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...