Another weekend, another cat attack.
, 04-12-2014 at 08:17 PM (913 Views)
I fell asleep at 3am this morning. I was tired, but I was a little scared to sleep. Jackson would bark as if he heard something outside. Of course, it was never anything; but he still did it, and I was up because of it. I woke up four hours later. And then at 8am, the guy installing the ceiling fans and overhead lights came by and started working. He mistook me for someone else. Anyway, I helped him hold the lights as he installed them.
Several hours later, he and Carma were working on one of the lights downstairs while Joey and I were upstairs playing. All of a sudden, we heard barking from outside. Joey and I run out there and see one of Carma's indoor cats outside and being attacked by the stray dog. I break them apart, grabbing Cleo by the scruff. She was still in shock about the whole ordeal, and sunk her fangs into my right hand. Joey stood there blocking the door, staring at me. I had to yell at him to open the door. She would not let go of my hand, and Joey would not open the door. I yelled one more time and it snapped him out of his daze. Then I dropped Cleo onto the couch and made my way to Carma, holding my hand so the blood wouldn't drip onto the wood floor.
Everyone rushed by me, and that's when I started feeling light-headed. The adrenaline went down, and I started shaking. As I ran water over my hand, I felt sick to my stomach. I disinfected my hand, then put sterile pads to stop the bleeding. I struggled to wrap my hand up, and Carma then came downstairs and helped wrap it for me. I then went back upstairs to try and take a nap. Even at 5pm my stomach was upset. I cleaned up my hand. It still hadn't completely stopped bleeding then (three hours from when it took place). I changed the bandage and all. And I finally ate something so I'd have something in my system to throw up if needed.
Then just a bit ago, I took off the wrap. It still hadn't fully stopped bleeding, but it had slowed down enough to let it finally get some air. Now there are three holes in my hand. She only got three of her front fangs into my hand, it seems. I'm glad. If she had gotten the fourth one in, I probably would have fainted from shock.
Cleo is still afraid now. She is walking stiffly, and mainly stays upstairs. Carma says that if she isn't any better soon, she will have to take Cleo to the vet. Cleo doesn't have any bite marks, and hasn't bled any. She is probably just a bit sore from being on the concrete porch with that dog. Carma has also been extra nice to me since it happened, because I "saved her cat's life". It wasn't as grand as she's making it out to be. I know that if the roles were reversed, and it was one of my cats being attacked by a dog, she would have done the same thing.
Anyway, it hurts to type, and play video games, and do anything with my right hand. I look like I'm ready to hold a gun, my hand is constantly in the trigger finger pose. Anyway, I will be fine. Cleo has had her shots, so I should be healthy.
And that's about it for today. I didn't do much after the cat bite. I think I will have to get one of the long gloves that eagle trainers use at the zoo, that way my hands and arms will be protected from any future cat bites. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...