Eight hours of European music isn't too bad.
, 08-19-2013 at 09:40 PM (1000 Views)
So, I have spent most of the day watching this year's Eurovision Song Competition. I thought it hadn't happened yet, but then I checked and saw that it was in May. Then I checked to see who won. I like the winning song, and didn't realize I had been listening to it for weeks on my Spotify and Osu! accounts. So I went and watched the semi-finals this afternon, and I have the finals playing right now. From the ones I saw performed in the semi-finals, I could see me listening to about 12-15 of the songs for a while. Like right now, the song entry from Moldova is playing, and I really liked it. Not only is it a good song, but the special effects used to compliment the song were very well done.
However, I think that either the entry from Ireland, Germany, or Romania should have won. That's just my opinion from the outside, because as an American, I don't get a chance to vote. Unless I were to move to Europe or have someone in Europe vote for me. I learned that the competition is really popular in Australia. They didn't say why, just that millions of people watch it despite it being 5 in the morning when it is on.
Moving on...
I continue to climb the ranks in osu!mania. I only played single player mode today, because I didn't feel like waiting to perform each song. Yeah it's sometimes easier to raise your rank if you are able to beat those ranked higher than you, but sometimes you have to wait for 10 minutes or more to play one song.
And I finished 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors today. Well, I have seen one of the six endings. It wasn't a good ending, because I didn't actually get off the boat and free myself from the game. But I finished the game and I will count it as completed on the list. So that brings the count to 13 games complete.
I don't know what I will play next. But I will do my best to finish it quickly.
Dad came by today. I checked his truck for my bike's headlight, and it wasn't in it. That leaves only one place left for it to be, and that is at work. I asked in a text message if it was there, but I have yet to get an answer. I don't want to make a special trip to Peebles before Thursday, so I will have to prepare some other form of illumination setup for Thursday.
Well, that's all for today. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...