GTA-style driving!
, 08-21-2013 at 08:29 PM (656 Views)
I thought I wasn't going to be able to update this today, because there was a big storm that knocked out the power in the neighborhood. But it came back on at 10pm, so everything is almost fine again.
Up until the storm, the day was fine. I did my normal routine. When it started, I brought U in because he doesn't like storms at all. Then when I went to go get everyone else in, the only cat on the porch was Not-So-Mega. Everyone else went somewhere else and he was too scared to do anything other than get rained on. So, I brought him in and dried him off with a towel.
The whole time I dried him off, all I could think about was that last year I was doing the same thing to Omega, because Moonbeam had managed to get Itsy Bitsy, Shadow, and Kunoichi to shelter before it was too dangerous to go out anymore. I dried both Omega and Not-So-Mega with the same towel. And after Not-So was all dry and fluffy again, he curled up beside me and fell asleep. Again just like Omega the year before.
After the storm passed, I put both Not-So and U back outside. The others had come back to porch. Now, the power was out during the entire ordeal, so I played games on my Nintendo DS to get my mind off of the storm. And after the cats were back outside, I continued playing. Then I start hearing sirens blaring. An ambulance several firetrucks, and an electric company truck come speeding down the road. I couldn't see smoke, so I figure that it is probably just a transformer that blew up and that's why we were out of power here.
A short time later, my brother's "girlfriend" came here and asked for Dad's cell phone number. My brother was in an accident, and the truck was totaled. She said that he hit a tree. That explained everything about why there was no power. I figure he hit the tree which hit the electric line and started the fire. I didn't say anything as I called Dad. After she finished talking to Dad, she left and I continued playing.
Honestly, I think my brother should not be allowed to drive ever. He knew that he shouldn't have driven in a storm like that. Not only that, he was probably speeding and in a rush to get to wherever it was that he was going. Now he is at the hospital getting X-rays done. Thankfully, there were no other people involved. At least, I hope there were no other people involved. I am not told anything, and I am not going to pry the information out of them. If they want to volunteer the information, then I won't stop them.
They brought the truck back here, and it's not as bad as I first thought. When I am told it's totaled, I think it looks a smashed soda can. It is pretty bad, but not something that is unable to be fixed. Most likely, it will be junked anyway. After all, neither Dad nor my brother feel motivated to do anything unless it ends with them being sexually gratified. I just hope that my brother realizes that he can't be driving like everything is a game of Grand Theft Auto, and learns to drive more carefully.
Anyway, I probably won't be posting an entry in my gaming blog tonight. There isn't enough time to do that now. I have to go and work tomorrow, and I want to be rested up for it. You know, I am actually tempted to leave now and do it. But there's also a chance that this week's paper will be late. If it stormed as much in Maysville as it did here, there's no telling when the papers will arrive. I don't know. I doubt I will sleep much anyway. I tried back when the power was out but I couldn't, and I felt tired then. Now, I don't feel tired, and I know I should. Oh well. I have the whole day to deliver, so there isn't any rush to do it.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...