Another Sleepless Night
, 08-20-2013 at 10:00 PM (842 Views)
It was nearly 5am when I went to bed, but I couldn't tell you when I actually fell asleep. It was my fault up until 3:30am, because I chose to stay up to finish watching the finals of this year's Eurovision Song Contest (which I will do my best to watch live next time around). But after that, I really couldn't help it. At 3:30, I heard some noises out on the porch. When I go outside, there are three big dogs trying to get the kittens and had already eaten what was left of the cat food. I chased them off, and then spent the next fifteen minutes searching the bushes for the kittens.
Thankfully, the kittens were unharmed. They were a little shaken up over the whole thing, though. When I got them all taken care of and checked out, I began to search for Itsy Bitsy. She was nowhere to be seen. And then at random times I would hear her meowing. I though that she was injured and search all around the house. A short while later, U comes running at full speed over to the porch. He had been in the field or somewhere near the mailbox. And then I heard something on the roof. And that's when I looked up and saw Itsy Bitsy there. Her fur was standing on end with probably the bushiest tail I have ever seen. Getting her down off the roof to check to see if she was wounded was a job. She wouldn't climb down the tree, and I wasn't going to climb up there. I managed to get her close enough to grab her and bring her down. And she was fine.
After that, I was on watch for the dogs to come back. I brought a pillow and blanket outside and got comfortable on the porch swing. I was there for nearly an hour, and the only things to come up to the porch were a stray cat that I think was Moonbeam's lone kitten. I tried to get it to come to me, but it hightailed it away when I came close. After that, I ended going back to my room. I felt that if the dogs were coming back, they would have been back already. And it seems that they didn't come back, because the cats were just fine when I woke up a short time later.
Here's is one of my favorite songs to listen to right now. I have probably listened to it on Spotify probably 20 times today. I really like it.
I played several games in Atari Anthology today. I also played Mario Bros. and Flushed Away (the game based on the film). I wasn't really up for gaming today, because I didn't sleep well. With the dogs trying to get the kittens, I can't be expected to sleep well. I don't even know anyone around here with three dogs, let alone three big dogs. I didn't get a good look at two of them, but the third kind of looked like this one
Anyway, I am glad that nothing happened to them. I considered bringing them in for the night, but it would just make them want to stay in more. The kittens already try and run in the house whenever someone opens the door. They think that if their Mommy gets to come in when Dad visits (Dad has claimed Itsy Bitsy as his) that they get to as well.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...