Different Song, Same Dance
, 05-16-2013 at 07:34 PM (779 Views)
Today was my last tutoring session with Joey, the Kindergarten student. Starting next week, I am tutoring a 1st Grader. I will be spending the next three months preparing him to be a great student. I have so many things planned for this summer. Not exactly planned, more like thoughts. Like to tie in reading with science and math, we could bake or something.
Today, we looked over his summer work. We (He) decided it would be fun to work with magnets. We learned that magnets don't pick up pencils, but they do pick up scissors and paperclips. Then we put paper clips on paper fish and went fishing. Our fun was cut short when he said he wasn't feeling good and that he was tired. He curled up on the couch and fell asleep. When his aunt, who didn't believe him when he said he wasn't feeling well, finally realized he wasn't feeling well; they went home.
Work today was alright. I finished my work in 3 hours, 20 minutes. I got to the office at 5:42 am, and thankfully didn't have any storms to deal with. They came after I was back home.
Now that the tree next to the house has become green and leafy, Omega has returned to his favorite pastime of climbing up the tree and hiding there. My brother and I were over by Luca Dog, and Omega became lonely and attention hungry, so he climbs up the tree and onto the roof. Then he whines and cries and wants down. But since he's a big cat now, he needs to learn that he has to get himself down from now on. But a part of me was like, "is he going to be an idiot and jump?" He's down now, so it's fine.
What isn't fine is that I am a murderer. A bird flew into the house today. My brother runs in my room and says to help him get a bird out of the house. I opened the doors, and try to shoo it out. That doesn't help. So we tried the next best thing. Getting out a couple of my old tennis rackets (or racquets for those that prefer to spell it that way) and swat it out.
Note to any who have this idea and plan to use a tennis player in this scheme: Don't have a tennis player in this scheme! They will most likely cause irreparable damage to the bird. Sure my brother caused some damage...to the ceiling, to the island, to the wall. But I accidentally killed an animal that was just scared and confused. I apologized to the thing as I connected with it. Feathers went flying, and the once fast flying bird landed with a thud on the kitchen floor. I stood frozen in my spot. My brother picked it up by its wing and took it outside.
Anyway...so for any of you superstitious people out there, I am probably on the short list for those who are near death. I am not superstitious, but a bird in the house is never a good thing. It's most likely a super bad thing to kill the bird in the house. So, in case this is my last entry, you know that I died by bad omen caused by avian murder.
Tomorrow I am going to be delivering in Sinking Spring, and then gaming or sleeping as much as possible. I am so tired right now that I feel I could sleep for a whole day. I am going to attempt to do so. I won't succeed (it's supposed to rain and storm again).
One final thing before I end tonight. I made a video and posted it today. Unfortunately, the song I played to was copyrighted (how was I to know), and I had to change the music to avoid get a strike on my channel. If you want to view the episode, click here. In the description, I give an alternative to view the video with the song.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...