More Rain
, 05-18-2013 at 07:51 PM (894 Views)
This is going to be the last video I make with just the "情郎 Gaming" intro. As a member in SmoshGames Alliance, I will be adding that logo to it as well. I can't go into the details of the contract, but for now it seems like a better deal for me than for them.
I was up until 5am this morning. I was watching Gypsy Elder's stream of Catherine and Ni No Kuni. I probably would have went to bed much earlier, but the conversation was as good as the gameplay. It was like one of the MSN chats I would participate in on occasion. I stayed up and played Catherine while Gypsy was playing. And Ni No Kuni looks great! From watching the gameplay, I decided to get the game. It should arrive on Thursday.
I am almost finished with the story of Catherine. With the help from the stream, I was able to get to the third stage of the last section. I hooked up the PS3 to the TV next to my computer so I could watch the stream and play at the same time.
But at 5am, I had to call it a night. But I was able to sleep until a later time. I didn't wake up until 9:30am. Then I rushed around because I was late feeding the animals and starting my laundry. Still, it was a good night.
Then I filmed the video I posted above.
While I was playing Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012), I received a message inviting me to play with the pro Grand Theft Auto IV team I mentioned in several blog entries. Unfortunately, I had only just started the multiplayer contest I was in on NFS:MW. So, I declined the invite at the time. When I finished the game I was on, I loaded up GTA IV. Sadly, I couldn't find where the pro team was. I joined a Cops n' Robbers game, but my teammates were horrible drivers. That, and I was also editing the video I uploaded today.
12 of my 29 YouTube videos are now monetized. It's too bad that none of my recent ones can be monetized. Just in the last week, my videos have received 37 views. But that's one of the problems with playing rhythm games that feature a lot of copyrighted material.
Anyway, tomorrow I am going to try and do what I wanted to try and do today (finish FFXIII).
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...