Another Rainy Day
, 05-17-2013 at 08:54 PM (954 Views)
I can't quite shake the fact that I complain about the rain a lot. It just puts a damper on my day, despite not actually having many plans to do things outside.
I did go to Sinking Spring on my bike this morning. And after I got back home, it started raining.
There were no indoor badminton matches today. Mainly because there were no birdies (shuttlecocks) flying around the kitchen.
I spent the majority of the day playing Osu! and re-watching Saki online. The season finale is airing in a couple weeks, and so I want to watch everything again. But all it does is make me want to buy a mahjong set more and more.
Which then brings me to wanting an erhu again. Here's one that looked nice...
The price is what got me to click on it. A complete erhu and case for less than $10! What a great deal. And then I scrolled down and saw that it would cost $95.99 to ship it from China to here. Then I instantly said no, because there is no way that I am going to pay 10 times more for the shipping than for the actual item. The plane that is taking it across the ocean better be made of solid gold if they want that price for shipping.
Moving on...
I am getting really good at osu!mania mode of Osu! (Piano mode). I am in the Top 50 in several songs, and I don't use mods to boost my score. But really, I just found a bunch of songs that I really like and perform well because I like the songs. It is the same with games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero. The songs I like are always the ones I perform better at, and the ones that I don't connect with are always a struggle.
I think this summer tutoring is just a way for Joey's family to be rid of him for a while. Instead of taking time to do the worksheets he was given for 1st Grade Preparation, they are paying me to prepare him. They have three months to get him ready. It would be cheaper for them to do it. It isn't like during the school where it was a crash course in reading to pass the grade. They have plenty of time.
Today after our lesson, we had nothing to do. His aunt and my brother were talking and carrying on and didn't care that the hour was already up. So, we went to my room and played video games. What better way to learn to read than by reading instructions on how to control Chicken Little and get him to school on time. Which doesn't really work when I have worn off the ink that specifies the X, Square, Triangle, and O buttons. I can't tell Joey to push the X button to jump when there is no X button.
Anyway, tomorrow is another day of gaming. I am going to try and make it a point to finish Final Fantasy XIII. Whether I actually will or not, I can't say.
I seem to have bruised the knuckle on my right middle finger. It really hurts.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...