Another owie...
, 11-01-2014 at 09:06 AM (819 Views)
I hurt my ankle this morning. I went out to feed Luca, and she and Jackson thought it would be fun to get right in front of me at the exact moment I tried to take a step. I fell forward, and got all muddy. I spilled the dogfood I brought outside, and had to get more. I wrapped my ankle up to keep it in place for now. It feels fine, until I put a lot of pressure on it. It will be fine though. I just have to keep it up for a while.
Joey is acting like he usually does this morning. He started tearing up a cardboard box that Cleo would use as a hiding spot, so I told him to put it in the trash. He then takes it outside and throws it in the yard. I ran on my hurt foot to the door and asked what he was doing. He said that he didn't hear what I said, and thought I told him to throw it in yard. Yeah, like I would tell him to throw a box in the yard so it could get wet from the rain. He's been like this all morning. He keeps running into my room without permission, and blaming it on the dog. As if Jackson told him to run in here. And then he picks on Jackson, and then whines when the dog starts fighting back.
The other day though, Joey told me something that he clearly had been thinking for a long time. He said that he wished I wasn't here anymore. I would probably wish the same thing if I was him. I mean, I am the one that actually tells him no. I don't let him run wild all day. And I certainly don't reward him for doing bad things and going through things he shouldn't be getting into.
Moving on...
Work went well this week. I was given my check, along with a small bag of candy. When I got home, I threw the candy out. The person I don't like gave it to me, and I don't know if she tampered with it. I don't know who prepared the bag, but I'd rather not risk it. Anyway, I was done with my work, and back at the house by 10am. Then I slept until 3pm. I was cold when I got back, so I put the electric blanket on high and was so comfortable.
I started playing Grand Theft Auto V last night. I might as well start working on earning trophies for the competition. It starts back up in three days. I made my announcement a couple days ago that I was still in. I also asked to be dropped to the bottom league. I was denied, because of how it was abused last season. Anyway, I was placed in the Silver League, and I will try my best to work back up the ranks. I dropped down quite a bit from last season.
Well, that's about it for now. I am going to rest this ankle some. And I'll probably work on playing some games today. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...