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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle


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My foot has been hurting today. I think I am just not used to riding a cruiser bicycle after using the mountain bike for so long. Either that, or my shoes aren't good for riding. I don't know. What I do know is that it hurts when I walk, or put pressure on the spot it hurts. Oh well.

Today was a nice day. I tried not to think about stuff. If I started thinking about everything that's happening, I just went and tried to get my mind off it.

I didn't play anything today. I just sat and relaxed. I have spent the last few hours watching Strawberry Marshmallow. It's a nice show. Very light and funny.

This entry is going to be short this time. Not a lot happened today, and that's a good thing today. Well, that's all for this entry. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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