Another one of those "Drives me to say bad words" days
, 02-21-2014 at 08:38 PM (855 Views)
So, it looks like we are going to be house hunting now. My Uncle said that he wants to sell the place so he can just be done with the whole situation. And it really makes me mad because the day he decided this he went and cashed the check I wrote him. So I now have several pieces of paper worth nothing because that's almost $3000 I won't ever see again. But still, he takes the money but still wants to sell. It just seems shady.
My main problem about having to possibly move (more on that in a moment) is that I will most likely have to part with Luca and the cats. They are just as much a part of my family as Mom and my brother are. And I am not helping the pet population by bringing six cats and a dog to a town.
The plan right now is to try and buy it when it gets appraised, if it gets appraised. My Uncle has said that he's selling the property before, but ended up not doing it. Once it is appraised, try and get a loan. I found out today that my Uncle bought this property $10,000 less than what he originally told us. So who knows what's going on. I just feel like there's nothing I can do at this moment. I did everything in my power correctly, but now I have nothing to show for it. Even worse, I am actually in debt now. Because I am now $29.66 in the red in my bank account.
Why couldn't he be more understanding about the situation? We have never not paid before. We didn't not pay this month! But because he wanted the tax money on top of the house payment, and couldn't pay the full amount, everything we have done was for nothing! It can't be helped that my brother's work was slow recently. We certainly didn't ask to have a major winter storm come and ruin my brother's work opportunities. He can't build a house in near blizzard conditions. But no, who cares that the full amount came 3 days late.
And what does Dad think about all of this? His words were, "Oh, well I guess I have to find somewhere else to keep my stuff." Hello!?! It was you and your stuff that got us into this situation. If you had been paying what you owe for using our resources (electricity, water, etc.) in our garage, then we would have more money for the house payment. But no, you think that everything is free, and that you get to use whatever you want with not even a thought about what those paying for things are going through. Mom asked him if my brother and I have a place with him when we have to leave, and he didn't say anything. I expected as much from him; after all, why would he care about anything other than himself.
So no, I didn't have a good day. My day was almost okay until my brother came home with the bad news. But after he came home, I have been at a low I have never been before. I love this house, and have spent more than eight years here. But because of a freak winter storm that caused us to dip into what little savings we had, we now are in limbo as to what will happen next.
Normally venting my frustrations helps, and I feel better afterward. This time it didn't work. Maybe I have too much frustration built up at the moment. Oh well. I normally say that it will work out, but I don't think it will do that as quickly as normal. It just really sucks being this helpless.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...