Full of Win
, 06-08-2013 at 07:18 PM (904 Views)
This morning I received a message from the organizer of the creative writing contest I entered recently (I mentioned it a previous entry). Anyway, I was chosen as the winner! I was shocked, because it is the first contest where I did something other than write poetry. As a prize it will be featured the main website. I don't have the specific link for it yet, but they said they will send it to me once it has been finished.
More winning news. The first round is finished in the GFX tournament I entered as well. And it just so happened that I won my match! I was so glad, because there was so much more I could have done with it. Anyway, I am going to the semi-finals!
Now for the not-so-good news. The reason I won my match in the GFX tournament is because my opponent didn't submit his entry. In fact, five of the eight people competing in the first round didn't submit entries. They were disqualified, and the nine is now four. Yay for other people's laziness!
And the reason I won the creative writing contest, well, was because I was the ONLY person to submit a piece. So, I automatically won! Yay for more laziness!
Anyway, a win is a win. I followed the rules, and won because of it. It certainly would feel more special if there were some actual competition in them, but it's still a win. Yay!
Now for winning that I had to work to earn. I am currently ranked #1,030 in the U.S. for osu!mania, and #21,418 in the world. I continue to climb the really long ladder! As for Gaming King, I am sitting comfortably in 8th Place with nearly 600 votes more than 9th Place.
To celebrate all this winning, allow me to provide some visual entertainment with my latest YouTube videos I made to help me remain near the top of the Gaming King Learderboard!
Please continue to go to My Contest Entry page and vote for me. With each vote I get closer and closer to 2nd Place (because I highly doubt that all of our votes together would be enough to pass the person in first place with more than 46,980 votes).
Today I stopped a volcano from erupting in Ni No Kuni. I caught a few more Pokemon, er, Familiars (just so CUTE!). And just like Pokemon, I only use the first four I had and keep the rest in that retreat thing. Although, I am not sure I would want to be in the retreat. It's just a sewer, right? Manholes; dark, slimy monsters opening the manholes; yeah, it's a sewer. Anyway, I still want to collect one of those banana monsters, but it is really difficult. Who would've thought that it would this difficult to catch a fruit?
After I stopped playing, I balanced my checkbook and other finances. That's always fun! Really, it is. It gets me thinking about all of the things I bought recently. Like for instance, I couldn't remember what I paid $12.17 for and why there was $12.17 missing from my wallet. It was because I forgot to count the dinner I bought my brother and I last weekend. And then there was the $15 I was missing from my checking account. It turned out that I gave the credit card company $15 more than I thought when I made the last automatic payment. So, now I am $15 closer than I thought to being debt-free!
Not only that, but my Uncle still hasn't cashed the check I wrote for him. That means I still have $300 more in my account than I keep track of.
I am planning to make a run at completing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. But for some reason, I was unable to save my game. So I started over, and now I can save my game. So after this entry, I am going to try again. Yes, I know. I am full of contradictions. I remember me saying that I wanted to have only one open-world game on my PS3's hard drive. But I also have the urge to fight dragons and pillage villages and whatnot. Haha, pillage villages. That's funny (I don't know why).
Dad was here for a few minutes this morning. He keeps trying to have conversations with me, and I keep just saying the minimum amount of words. Why must I spell it out to him that I don't want him around me? Until he is going to be an active respectable member of this family, no one in our family is ever going to give him the time of day.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...