Another New Beginning
, 03-22-2014 at 09:09 PM (887 Views)
I didn't post an entry on Friday due to not feeling comfortable enough to get on Carma's computer and get access to the guest password for her wi-fi. And the only reason I am on right now, is because I got on her computer and got the guest password for the wi-fi. The difference between today and yesterday is that I was the only person here yesterday, and Carma and Joey were here tonight. Anyway...
On Friday, my brother drove me to Sinking Spring. It is probably the last time he will ever do that. At least until our family is back together. After I got back home, Mom and I finished packing up everything. Dad arrived and help load everything onto the trailer and in the back of his truck. Then, we took the load to the storage facility. I didn't think everything was going to be able to fit in there, but it did. After that, we went back to the house and loaded what was left. Then Dad and I went to the storage facility, while Mom waited at home for my sister to show up. After all that was done, we went back to the house where my Mom and sister were waiting. My sister loaded up everything she wanted. Then she and Mom had a teary farewell, because at the time Mom still had nowhere to go. I mean, at any moment we were expecting my Uncle to be here with the police force to escort us from the property. I doubt he would have gone that far; but I also doubted he would actually sell the place, and look where that got us.
After all that, we loaded up the things I would be taking to Carma's. We sat everything in the floor, because I was going to go through it later on that night. Then we went back to the house. I got my bike of my room and put it on the porch. It was decided that it would be best to leave Luca and the cats there for now, that way it would make people think there was still someone there. After all, the garage was still full of Dad's things. Then I cried because I was leaving what had been my home for the last 8-and-a-half years. Mom told me to go, because the food I had brought was going to get warm if I didn't get it back in the freezer/fridge. I cried through half of the ride to Carma's.
As I was settling in and putting things away, Dad called my phone. He said that he called my Uncle, and that my Uncle said that Mom could stay there this weekend. While this sounded good, I wasn't sure if it was really true. Either way, I sent a text message to Mom saying what Dad told me. It bought her some more time to get a place for herself. And then I rode back up to the house to feed the cats their dinner, and then again when my brother came home from "work".
The reason I rode my bike in the dark to see my brother was because of something his girlfriend posted on Facebook. In the post, she put that she, her child, and my brother would be moving to the trailer park in Peebles. This struck me as odd, because it was the same trailer park that my brother was evicted from when he was still living together with his wife. Anyway, what is worse is the fact that he is choosing her over Mom in this situation. You would think that making sure your mother has place to live would be more important than getting the chance to shack up with some bimbo. Mom was especially hurt that she had to find out through a Facebook post rather than being told in person. Back to the point, I wanted to be there to hear why my brother decided to do that. And he denied it. He said that he hadn't found a place to stay yet, and he wouldn't be living somewhere he had been kicked out of. And neither Mom nor I believe him. Most likely, the lease is in his girlfriend's name, and my brother is listed nowhere on it. That way, she can't be denied the chance to live there because of having a person who doesn't pay their rent living there. After my brother left to no doubt congratulate his girlfriend for driving one more stake through my mother's heart in order to tear our family apart, I left for Carma's.
I did not sleep well Friday night. I wasn't sure where anything was (and I still don't). I couldn't get comfortable. I ended up sleeping on the floor, with Carma's dog keeping watch over me on the couch I was sleeping next to. I was up every hour or so. The blanket I was using was thin, and it was quite cold in the house because I couldn't find a thermostat anywhere. On top of that, I was in a house by myself. I was scared because I was still not accustomed to things here. After 6am, I gave up trying to sleep, and stayed up. At 8am, I rode over to the house to feed the animals; after having left a note for Carma just in case she would get there while I was gone. After feeding the animals and chatting with Mom some, I came back here. I was still so tired that I couldn't play Star Ocean: Second Evolution for more than ten minutes without nodding off. When the mail carrier came, she blew her horn. She asked me about whether or not my brother's girlfriend lived here (She used to). And then I went back to napping. I woke up at 5:20pm. I rode back to the house to feed the cats. One of the people with a vehicle in the driveway was there to get it. I fed the cats and checked the mail. If I had a way to take the cats here, I would have. All 6 of them were together for once. But because I had no way to take them, their house, and their food, I couldn't.
A bit later, Carma and Joey arrived. After we brought the groceries in, I set up the phone service for the house. It's connected to the Internet and satellite service. Then we connected my PS3 to one of their televisions. The only have widescreen TVs here, and so the characters (Nico Bellic from Grand Theft Auto IV and Tidus from Final Fantasy X HD Remaster) look so different than when they're on my television. I was told the rules of the house then as well. I interrupted her when she was talking about having friends over, saying that I won't be having friends here. I haven't had friend of mine at my house in I think 14 years. I am not a social kind of person. The other "rule" was to not hide food. As if I would ever do that. She said that my brother's girlfriend did that several times. The way I see it, I am not buying the food, so I have no right to claim any of it as mine. The only time food is mine is when it is within inches from my mouth.
My Mom today went with a friend of hers to destress from the situation. She visited my sister and saw where she lives. Then she began searching for a place to stay after this weekend. The friend she went with said that someone he knows has a camper that she may be able to stay in at his house. I really hope that happens, because it means that Mom won't be too far away from me. But more importantly, it means that she won't be left without a roof over her head at night. My Aunt (Mom's sister) is furious about the whole ordeal. The way my Uncle did us like that, knowing that Mom has to have an address or face violation of her parole. I wish that we could do something in terms of legal proceedings, but it takes money for that. I mean, I could probably represent us myself, but it would be best if an actual lawyer was there. But the best thing right now is to just forget about the whole situation. After all, it will all come back to them in the end.
My copy of Thief is currently in Columbus, and is set to arrive on Monday. I hope that someone is at the house on Monday to get it if I'm not there. I will try to be there to pick it up in case the change of address form hasn't been filed. Otherwise, I may be chasing the mail carrier down on my bike.
Well, that's all for now. I just wanted to report in and tell you all how things are going here. Now that I have Internet access on my laptop, I will be watching YouTube videos and old episodes of Running Man (my new favorite show). I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...