Platinum #3
, 05-20-2014 at 10:07 PM (548 Views)
So, I earned my third Platinum trophy today. Through some YouTube video assistance, I managed to complete all of the challenges required to earn the last two trophies for Sly 3. It was clearly needed, because I was so frustrated that I threw the controller at the bed. What was keeping me from the Platinum for so long was the fact that I had no idea Sly's plane had a booster in it. If I had known that earlier, I wouldn't have thrown the controller. Anyway, I got the final trophy, so now I never have to play the game anymore. Now, on to Sly 4. But it will have to wait. I got the itch for Final Fantasy, and so I made a save file for XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns. I also went ahead and bought all of the garb I didn't have. And I haven't used them at all. Mainly because I don't really understand them yet. As for the story, I am inching along. I don't really like the whole time is running out concept. It's why I have never finished Majora's Mask, well, that and the game is creepy.
My ankle still hurts. It feels like I need to pop it, but it hurts. It's not like my wrist, where I can tell when it needs popped. At least with the wrist, it will lock up and I can fix that problem. Another day of keeping it from moving should be enough to make it feel better.
I washed my clothes, as well as my blankets and sheets.
I guess there's rumors going around that Joey's mother is threatening to kidnap Joey from here. Carma said that just in case, I am not to let Joey out of my sight when she isn't here. I am watching him here alone on Friday and Saturday. It shouldn't be difficult, since we will mostly play Wii U or something.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...