Another day as Will-Do-Everything.
, 04-02-2013 at 06:58 PM (664 Views)
I arrived at work at 8:46 am this morning. Iris pulled in as I was walking to the store for a soda. After I got back, we talked about everything. I think that our work at the office is really starting to wear on all three of us young'uns (Gabby, Iris, and I). Gabby is trying to keep her way of doing things the same as when Misty was the boss, despite Iris's repeated attempts at enforcing the changes. Iris always seems to be so stressed because she has the owner constantly breathing down her neck. And I am trying to solve more problems than I cause, but anymore I am wondering if it is worth it. Then there's the new staff member, Jennifer. She has only been working a couple of weeks, so she hasn't fully settled in yet.
My objectives for today were to finish the menu, and I accomplished that. After that, I built this week's paper. I am not completely finished with it, because there turned out to be more changes to the menu later in the day. So tomorrow I will be completing the paper, and then starting on the layout for the next menu. As usual, I will work my hardest.
I learned something that I already knew today. Iris told me that I earn the most money out of everyone, despite not being paid for all the work I do. I already knew that, but that's not the point. I was also told that the reason why the owner thinks I have been taking too long is because I am being compared to Misty and her level of work. Because Misty could build a paper in four hours. I probably could as well if I had been working as a composer for 10+ years. But I have only been doing it for 4.5 months. I am still getting used to where all the ads are hiding that I need to pull.
Anyway, I will continue to do my best, and it can't be helped that my speed is not as fast as my predecessor.
I tutored Joey today. Today we did three worksheets of writing that I printed up. Then we played on the computer. He typed a lot. Then we played with the webcam and my microphone. After that, it was time for him to go back home, and I was five dollars richer. Which is great, because I was down to $3.99 after I bought that soda this morning.
I should be getting my check tomorrow, and most of that will get deposited. I only have the phone bill to pay, because I already gave Dad checks of my share of the water bill and electric bill. And the check I sent the credit card company was received. And I just checked the Bill Me Later account, and my payment for it was received as well. So, at least I know my checks are working. I also received my e-banking stuff in the mail as well. So, now I am free to check on my account whenever. Not that I need to on account of rarely getting math wrong. But it's nice to know that it is there.
Anyway, that's all for now. I was hoping to get some gaming in tonight, but it is getting late. I have a ten mile ride in the morning, and I want to be rested for it. Last night I woke up at three in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep until five. Then I woke up again at 6:30 and was as if I hadn't slept at all. I was so tired.
I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...