Yet another computer update.
, 12-11-2012 at 08:51 PM (718 Views)
My computer arrived! I was about to go take a shower to clear my sinuses, and I here some vehicle pull in the driveway. Thinking it was my brother, I turn the porch light on, and stick my head out the door. It wasn't my brother. It was the UPS man! He said that I have a heavy package, and I knew right then that it was the computer. Well, I figured it was the computer anyway because I don't have anything else coming from UPS.
I unpacked the box and set it up. Oh, I just love this keyboard. The keys hardly make a sound when I type. The speakers don't need to be plugged into the wall. Everything is all nice and neat. I did have some trouble connecting to the Internet. I had to call the Internet company and have them help me. I also bought their Anti-Virus software. It's only an extra $5.99 per month, so I figured for that price I might as well.
I haven't installed any other programs yet. I tried downloading Spotify, but it won't for some reason. It says that a firewall may be preventing it from installing. I will try again later. After this entry gets posted, I will install the programs that I bought for the computer. And Morrowind. I hope to finish this game one day. I don't know if I can though, since this computer has Windows 7. Will it play right?
Work news now. I got to work before nine this morning. I took the trash to the dumpster, and then started on putting the paper together. I was the only one there today, because Gabby only comes in when she wants to now since she is commission only. So, I got in the composing zone and had all my work done by the time Iris came in for the meeting with Pam. I had to stay for the meeting, because Pam wanted to talk to me. I was only asked to stay until 3:30pm, but Pam didn't arrive until 3:45. Then, the meeting was actually Pam and Iris talking about the bills, while I stood there helping when I could.
At 4:30, I was able to leave. It was getting dark fast, and I wanted to get to Grandma's before it became too dark. Unfortunately, Grandma wasb't even home when I arrived. So, I sent a message to my brother to come get me, and waited there in the cold.
And that is pretty much my day. Tomorrow I work to finalize the paper. And so I can get to work the full day, I will also work on the menu that I was asked to do. Either that, or work on next week's paper. It won't be too big, as it may be the last paper of the year.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until I do...