Another Computer Update
, 12-10-2012 at 07:49 PM (672 Views)
I called the company I am getting the computer from, and their machine operator said in its robotic voice that it will arrive by the 21st of December. A bit ironic, if you ask me. Anyway, as long as it arrives, I will be happy.
Today both Itsy Bitsy and Omega took naps on my bed this afternoon. It was raining so much, I just felt sorry for the two wet cats. I haven't seen Kunoichi in a day and a half. I am starting to think that maybe she was swept away in the swollen creek. They were always playing there when it is sunny. Its possible that she was chasing something and fell in. But anyway...
I watched the first episode of the Korean variety show Running Man. It's...different. That's about all I can say about it. I can't really describe it.
Another show I am watching right now is The Tribe. I watched this show back when it premiered on American television in 1999. I had no idea that it was from New Zealand. Back when I watched the show, I didn't actually know that there was a New Zealand, so I can understand why I didn't know where the show came from. The accents of the actors aren't really strong, so it was a little hard to figure it out based on that. Anyway, that's what I'm watching.
Now a quick update on Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. I am currently working on the sidequests for Chapter 5 before I work on the story. I felt a little sad about the Velis/Judge of Wings situation. To think that Velis and J.o.W. were once together. I hope she wasn't always that crazy and maniacal.
Now, a little theory on stuffed animals.
I read somewhere a long time ago, that children should sleep with two stuffed animals. One being an attacker-type animal (bear, lion, etc.), the other being a gentle-type (puppy, kitten, etc.). Now, the attacker-type is meant to protect bad dreams from coming to the child. To act as a defender. The gentle-type is meant to give the child good, peaceful dreams.
The ideal sleeping arrangement is the child sleeping with the gentle-type next to them, and the attacker-type on the pillow by the child's head (where dreams occur). If the child reverses which animal is with them, then the gentle-type will not be able to protect the child from bad dreams as well as the attacker-type. Also, the dreams the child has will be a bit scarier, as the attacker-type still has remnants of the bad dreams that it fought while acting as the protector.
This is all just a wives'-tale, but it does seem to make sense in way. After all, if Disney has taught us anything, it's that toys can do a lot more than we give them credit for.
As for me, I tend to sleep next to my cow (actually, he's a steer), with my Clifford the Big Red Dog at my head. I grew up raising a steer, and he was the gentlest animal I have ever seen. And what bad dream would come near a Big Red Dog (whose name is Fireball, by the way). Also, as my bed is bigger than I prefer, keeping a stuffed animal absorbs body heat and I don't get so cold.
Moving on...
Tomorrow I am working on the paper at the office. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have ads that were sold on Thursday, Friday, and today to put in the paper. I think I will be there a while. Although, if the weather is any indication on how things went for Misty and Gabby, then I may not have as much work as I think. It seems that when it rains or snows, businesses put their money in waterproof wallets. Even businesses that profit from bad weather: roofing companies, HVAC businesses (like the one that my relation owns- we managed to get $17 from them a couple weeks ago though), etc. And with the holidays coming up, they then put those water-proof wallets under lock and key. They should instead advertise for the holidays, but they don't. Oh well, if this year is like last year, then I will not have a paper to deliver the last week of this month.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see around the forums, and until that time comes...