Slow down and wait...
, 07-12-2014 at 12:01 PM (636 Views)
Joey stayed with me last night. I guess for someone (Carma) who doesn't think it is safe for him to stay with someone with so much anger, she trusts me to care for her grandson. Anyway, the night went pretty well. We played Minecraft and LittleBigPlanet. I don't suggest playing LittleBigPlanet with Joey. He rushes way too much, and the two of us died way too many times. But at 11pm, he had to go to bed, and I was free to play whatever I wanted. Of course, I was then too tired to play much of anything.
And then today we played Minecraft. I have been working on getting the remaining ten trophies, and Joey has been working on getting on my last nerve. His threats of destroying my house and killing my animals are really annoying. I stopped playing, because it is just too frustrating to play with him. I could be down at the bottom of the world, and it is still not possible to escape the vandalism threats and annoying questions. I have only recently started playing this game, and I am expected to know everything about it.
I am considering taking a really long bike ride while Carma is home on vacation. If the weather permits it, I just might. Well, if I have the money. I might want to go to Hillsboro and stop in at GameStop. It might be fun.
The first part of the Trophy Hunting Championship Round ended, and there are only three contestants left. It is only 8 days before my debut in the competition. I am really excited to finally compete. I would be so happy to start the first round with a Platinum trophy.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...