, 10-11-2012 at 08:17 AM (1328 Views)
It was so cold this morning. I wore knee-high socks, shorts, gloves, my coat, and was still cold. While delivering this morning, I was cold, and bored, so I made up a song to help lighten my mood, and temperature.
My hands are cold,
My legs are not.
And that's because
My legs are hot.
The rest of the song is somewhat inappropriate. Frankly, I am a little shocked that I even thought up the rest of the lyrics. I guess I have watched too many R-rated movies with Dad.
That's a big portion of what I do now that Dad is home. When he is watching a movie, I will usually watch it with him. Last night at dinner we watched "Wanted", that film about the assassins that can curve bullet trajectories and stuff with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. Saturday Dad and I played 48 hands of Rummy. I won more hands than Dad did, but he had a higher score at the end of it. I believe the score was 3765 to 3525, with me winning 26 out of 48 hands. My strategy was to end the hand as quickly as possible. I don't like it when a hand lasts more than 3-5 minutes. I do my best to make it seem that I have fewer cards in my hand than I actually do. I often put a couple cards directly on top of each other in my hand to make it look like I have less. Another thing I do is purposefully put cards in the discard pile that go along with other cards already there. That way Dad becomes inclined to pick them all (or most) up to score some more points. He would constantly ask me why I didn't pick them up myself. I told him that I didn't want then because it wasn't worth it score-wise.
We also played pool on Monday. In thirty games, I won 13 and Dad won 17. I started out strong, but Dad got more jumps and bank shots in the middle games. I was having no luck until game 19, when Dad pocketed the 8-ball out of turn 4 games in a row. I was down 7 games then, and finished down 3. After that, we would take turns winning games. I will eventually win more games than Dad, but I am afraid it won't happen unless Dad breaks an arm.
Things with my brother are about the same as last week. I learned that the tests featured on that show can NOT be used in court. But Maranda is pushing it to be so. My brother called Grandma last night, to check up on everything. She told me that he said the FBI is looking around for him. And apparently he had to buy a throwaway phone so his calls wouldn't be traced easily. Now, how true the things he told Grandma are, I don't know. He has lied too many times to our family that it is hard for us to believe anything. After all, he told us that he went to New York for work without Maranda, and ended up in Connecticut on TV with Maranda.
Anyway, back to the cold. Dad and I are preparing to make the kittens a house for this winter. We're thinking of putting some straw in a big tote, kinda like how we put straw on the floor of Luca's doghouse. Right now, the kittens sleep under the porch swing next to my window. They are covered from the wind, but it does little for rain.
In gaming news, I am 189 missions complete in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I am currently fighting against Li-Grim (the second form of Queen Remedi). She keeps killing my party. Also, I started playing Chrono Trigger a few days ago. I am in the Prehistoric era, after the battle with Magus. I was so certain that Frog was Sir Cyrus. It made sense that it would be him. But I wasn't expecting it to be one of Cyrus's party members. I use items a lot in this game. The magic/tech system is weird, and I don't like it too much. I am getting used to it though.
Well, that's about all for now. Tomorrow I am paying the water bill (two days late), and the Internet bill (two weeks early). I am also going to mail in my ballot for this year's election. Other than that, I don't have anything planned. Dad has some work, and that's great. It keeps him busy, and allows him to earn money. So, I guess I will be back next week with another update.