Things are changing...
, 10-25-2012 at 08:02 AM (1661 Views)
So, basically I was once again defeated by Dad in pool the other night. I lost 10-6, with every game coming down to the last ball. I started practicing some jumps, and did so-so with it. If I am ever going to defeat him, I will have to perfect what I am good at and work on my weaknesses. My only advantage over Dad right now is that his sight is going, and he can't make long shots.
But I don't think we'll be playing much anymore. We had an argument yesterday and it ended sour. Dad has been hanging around his "drug friends" a lot lately, and it makes me uneasy. I told him of my concern and he flew off the handle, saying that he is 46 years old and do what he wants with whoever he wants. The way he reacted makes me think that none of the classes did any good when he was in rehab. After all, he was supposedly taught how to control his anger.
Since the event, I have only spoken two sentences to him and both were when he initiated the conversation. I answered his questions coldly. I know I should be warmer toward him, but I just can't. If he wants to be around the people that he associated with when he was dealing/using, then that's his problem. I don't want to have anything to do with him when he is that way.
Then last night one of his friends showed up, and I didn't even bother to open the door. I was hoping that Dad was asleep and that the person would get the hint and go away, but Dad was awake and answered the door. The person stayed nearly an hour.
So here's my plan. I will take the childish route and pretend he doesn't exist. I will make him see that he needs me a lot more than I need him. After all, I did just fine by myself for a year (well, as fine as I possibly could). Hopefully he realizes that he is not in a position to choose his friends over his family and makes the decision to get better friends.
In other, happier, news, I finished playing Metal Gear Solid the other day. That brings the total of completed games this year to 30. I have files for The Sims 2, Hitman: Contracts, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (still no progress), Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III DS (also no progress), and Hard Rock Casino still to finish. In Chrono Trigger, I am at the point in the game when you get to choose to fight Magus or not. I had a save of each choice, but couldn't decide which one to continue. So I deleted both and I am left with the save right before you get to choose.
I decided to work in the office on Mondays. I was really struggling on deciding all last weekend. I weighed the pros and cons (boring vs. needing the money). And you know, it was really boring. I had to call businesses and get them to sponsor the paper's Costume Ideas page. I sold 2. In five hours. It was not fun. I also sold an ad (classified ad) to my sister's boyfriend's cleaning business. I tried to get them to do the sponsorship ad, but they couldn't afford it. But as the boss says, $3 is still more than $0. I have no clue what I will be doing this coming Monday, but I hope it has a little bit of fun in it. Maybe I can get out of selling if I convince them I need to take a day and clean out the shed. There are lots of extra inserts and papers in there that need to go to the recycling bin. It is starting to get out of hand.
Let's see, what else has happened in the last week. I only owe $165 on the computer, but I think I already told you that. I have to get some minutes for my cell phone. Dad suggested (before the argument) that we get a house phone to help save money, but I don't think I want to do that. I don't want it to be another thing I end up paying for. My cell phone is rarely used, and Dad's cell phone has already had to get more minutes on it and it has only been activated for a week.
The kittens are fine, as is Luca. Omega has been catching mice lately. The corn field behind the house was finally cut up, and the mice in there have been Omega's playthings. I can't find the kittens' Ring-a-Ding Ball. I think Kunoichi was playing with it and hit it somewhere or last week's winds got it and blew it away.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to be back with another update next week.