It always starts raining just as I get on my bike.
, 10-18-2012 at 07:50 AM (1728 Views)
Like the title states, it rained as I was leaving this morning. That's normal Ohio autumn for you. But the wind was brutal. Dad ended up taking me to town, saying he needed to get some cigarettes. I finished my work without any problems. The only thing of importance today was that there was a dead cat next to the back deck of the office. When I sent a text to the boss, she told me to get rid of it. So, I disposed of the cat. As I was preparing it for removal, my eyes instinctively started crying. Not that I was sad, of course. I mean, this was the first time I had seen the thing. I guess my brain was just sending a message to my eyes saying that this was a crying moment.
I may be working in the office...again. I could use the money, but I am not great at selling ads. I really dislike it. I don't like asking people to buy ads, and I hate having people listen to me while I am talking on the phone while I do it. The thought of the boss sitting right next to me while I make these horrible phone calls kinda makes me sick to my stomach. Case in point, the last time I was an official ad sales rep I vomited. Anyway, I asked what day of the week I would be working. If it is a day when I would be there by myself or get the chance to work in the back office, I will probably take the job. There are so many reasons why I should go ahead and say yes, like the money and the chance to have another day to be on the computer. But there is the big chance that I will only end up costing the paper more money.
I haven't made any progress in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. My GameBoy Advance SP hasn't moved from its spot in a week. I continued on with Chrono Trigger, but have hit a tough battle in it. I am in the Ocean Palace going up against the Golem Twins that Dalton sends out to kill me. Those stupid Iron Balls they drop on the party followed up with a strong fire (I think) attack have the battle done and over with in 2 minutes. So, I started up a file in Hard Rock Casino last night. I have finished the first chapter of the game. Then there's also Final Fantasy III DS which hasn't had any progress in it in months. The fact that there are no save points in the dungeons has made me not want to play it. I should go and finish it, since I am so close to finishing it. All I have to do is make it up that tower (again), defeat Xande (again), and try not to die fighting those evil monsters that bring out the Dark Warriors. I also have files of Final Fantasy X, Hitman: Contracts, and a couple other games that I could work on.
Dad and I played pool twice in the last week. After a 3-0 lead in which I was winning, I ended up losing 12-11 on Saturday. Then on Monday, I lost 15-9. But it wasn't that I wasn't playing up to par. All but one game that I lost ended with me either having one or none of my balls on the table. The one exception was when Dad nearly cleared the table. He got a lucky break and finished the game in two turns.
Then in Rummy, I lost to Dad once, and won against him once. I combined the scores from each session together, and in the end I am only losing by five points (9535-9530). Dad wasn't feeling up to playing any more the night I won. I guess he figured that losing by 500+ points was enough.
I got Mom's cell phone reactivated, so now Dad has a phone for work. It means that I will save money on my phone. He and Grandma came to town and gave me forty dollars to reactivate it. I only needed $21 to put minutes on it, but Dad said to get anything else I needed. I didn't get anything else.
I have to mail out Mom's letter today, and I still haven't mailed in my ballot. I will be doing that as soon as I leave here. Then tomorrow, I will be sending in a computer payment. I was going to send in the stamp company payment but the computer payment is due sooner. I wish things wouldn't take so long to get to my house. Then, I could have an easier time planning my bills.
Well, that's about it for this week. I will keep you all posted on the progress of the office job if I take it, and everything else that happens.