Almost as good as when it went down.
, 11-18-2013 at 10:34 PM (539 Views)
So, I am thinking of pre-ordering both Lightning Returns and the X/X-2 HD games. Square Enix sent me an Email, and the X/X-2 game looks so pretty. If I only knew if I won a copy of the game or not. I am not sure if I told you this, but I might have. In that talent competition I entered, I only won entries to a drawing to win the game, not the actual game itself. I think I mentioned this. Anyway, I have three entries at this time, and right now I have the best chance to win.
Moving on...
I got my keys back, and now I don't have to break in my house anymore. My brother took me to Grandma's on his way to work. And then Grandma had to go to the store and get some groceries, so she offered to take me into town and save me from having to ride there on my bike. When we got back to her house, I helped her put her groceries away, and then I made my way back home. And it was so nice to use my keys again.
And then I pretty much spent the day sleeping. I slept until it was time to feed the cats their dinner, and then I slept again until my brother came home. In between sleeping spells, I played some more Fallout: New Vegas. This game is really on the creepy side. People hanging on crosses, giant lizards chasing me, as well as the graphic dismemberment and blood that I am used to seeing in Fallout games. However, it is probably one of the best games I have ever played. Not every game has me physically scared of something. Not every game has me thinking "Oh, that could actually happen."
While I was bringing in firewood this evening, I was unable to keep what I ate for dinner down. I went to wash the rinse the deck off using the water hose, but someone (Dad) unhooked it. I tried to reconnect the hose, but I wasn't about to go under the deck to do that. Someone, whoever built the deck to my house, made it so difficult to get access to the water spigot on the deck. And then Dad goes and unhooks it. He can't say that he's preventing it from being damaged due to frozen water in the house. The spigot hasn't been used in months. Any water that was in the hose is most likely evaporated by now.
Tomorrow, I am planning on washing my clothes. And the dishes. And then playing video games, of course. So, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...