All hail Lord Catbug!
, 12-05-2013 at 09:06 PM (698 Views)
I left the house at 3am this morning. The newspapers were already there when I arrive at the office. Then, I delivered them just fine. It wasn't until I was almost done with the business route that things went south (both literally and metaphorically, because I was headed south). The rain I was hoping to avoid came all of a sudden. By the time I got back up the hill to the office, I was completely soaked. The road had standing water on them, and in some places finding where the road stopped and the curb began was difficult.
I walked in the office and just stood there. I didn't want to soak the entire office. Iris brought me a chair and placed a space heater there for me to starting drying off. After I wrung my coat out, I placed it on the chair and as it dried, steam would come off the coat from the water evaporating off it.
It was so bad out at that point that Iris drove me to deliver to the southern businesses. After we got back, I tried calling the house again, and still no one answered. I then called Grandma, who said that Dad was at my house, and that he'd come pick me up at Grandma's once he's done at my house. So I made my way to Grandma's.
It was 10am when I got to Grandma's. The ride there re-soaked me. And when I arrived, I stood in front of her wood stove to dry off. I took my keys and my cellphone out of my pockets. The phone had my deposit receipt and eleven dollar held together from where the phone flips open and closed. After a bit, Grandma said that she was going to check her mail. I told her I'd do it so she wouldn't have to go out in the storm, and since I was already wet it wouldn't hurt to get more wet.
As Grandma was looking through the newspaper that was supposed to have arrived yesterday (not the one I deliver), my brother arrives. He had just finished his work, and stopped at Grandma's because he saw my bike and thought I would like a ride home. I put my shoes back on (because other than Grandma herself, I am the only one who won't wear shoes in her house), tell Grandma that I'll see her later, and leave.
When we get back home, Dad is talking with the reason why he was at my house to begin with. Just some customer needing Dad to work on his vehicle. Anyway, I parked my bike in the garage, and start walking to the house. That's when it hit me. My phone and keys were still at Grandma's, and I am locked out. So I walk back in the garage and ask my brother for his key. After I unlock the door, I walk back out and give my brother his key and then ask for the paper I put in his coat pocket as we left Grandma's. It is the registration form for dog tag renewal. And then Dad told me that the turkey legs Grandma gave me for Luca were in the seat of Dad's truck. I walk back out and give Luca the meat. And she was so happy that my white shirt was covered in mud spots. Everyone laughed when I walked back in the garage and said "Luca likes the turkey meat" as they looked at my shirt.
Then I walked back to the house after checking the mail. I changed into some dry clothes, stoked the fire and put another piece of wood in, went to the couch, and fell asleep. I woke up to Dad and my brother talking. I was so tired that I don't remember what I said, just that I said something. After they left, I went back to sleep.
It was nearly time to give the cats their dinner when I woke up (about six hours after I fell asleep). I turned on the computer and checked everything that needed checked. I watched the newest Bravest Warriors (hence the title, it's a line from the episode). After that, I went back to sleep.
And now, four hours later, I am typing this for you to read. Well, tomorrow all of the rain that fell to the ground will be frozen. That will make delivering in Sinking Spring fun. That is, if I had a way to get back in the garage and get my bike to deliver. It is locked in there, and my keys are still not here. My brother is supposed to bring them back when he goes by Grandma's.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...