Aah, I can't see!
, 01-23-2014 at 09:54 PM (1044 Views)
I woke up this morning (4am) to see freshly fallen snow outside. So, instead of going to work early, I went back to bed. I didn't go to sleep, but I got back until the covers. I didn't get back up until 6am, when I heard Mom checking the stove.
Last night, I slept in my room for the first time in a while. I was waiting for U to come to the window so I could let him in, but he never came. Omega came in though, and the two of us slept near the heater. It was cold where he usually sleeps, so I had him sleep in my room with me. When I woke up at 4am, I saw that U was sleeping on the couch in his normal spot. He must have come in the house with my brother, who had come home after I went to sleep.
Because of the cold and the new snow, my brother drove me to town today. He had to get gas anyway, so it was convenient for me. After melting the ice on the shed's lock, I began working. I was so cold during my route. My eyelids would freeze shut from time to time, which is not a good thing when you're trying to deliver newspapers on a bicycle. I had an itch near my left eyebrow, and when I went to scratch it, I discovered that it was covered in ice. And the water molecules in my scarf from me breathing through it froze and stiffened the scarf after I took it off.
Other than that, work was fine. My brother came back to town to work after taking Mom to her parole meeting. He saw me and stopped for a moment to talk to me. I told him I'd stop in where he was working to see if was able to take me home. When I did go to check, he wasn't there. He had already left. So, I started pedaling home. Then a few miles down the road he stopped and let me in. He saw me while he was working somewhere else, and after he was done there he was heading home. So we stopped in at Grandma's and went home.
After I ate lunch, I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 5:15pm. When I did, Mom had already brought in firewood and fed my cats. However, she didn't know that I feed the cats outside. She realized that when they started going crazy and running around everywhere. So, I tricked most of them to go outside by shaking the bag of cat food. Stri-P-Grr however, had another plan. She wanted to play catch the kitty. I won, and Stri-P-Grr lost.
Not-So-Mega had his Not-So-Time with me this evening. He was my good luck charm while I played Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. I defeated Riku on the second try. Sonic Blade really came in good use during the battle. But now, Sora is being a major jerk; and all I want to do is purposefully kill him. His memory is all frazzled, so it's not his fault, but it kind of is. I guess he forgot to have manners and treat your friends nicely. And I'm sure I will learn more about as the game progresses, but isn't Naminé Kairi's other self or something? I just don't get it. But don't tell, because I am sure once I get through the Destiny Islands floor, I will learn all about it.
Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow I am riding to Sinking Spring to stop at the Post Office and the stores. I have to pick up some more cat food, I think. Other than that, my goal is to stay as warm as possible. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
PS, today in my 3³ Gaming blog I talk about my experience and thoughts on Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. You should check it out if you get the chance.