Climbing the Ladder
, 08-17-2013 at 09:03 PM (1520 Views)
This morning I checked my cell phone for messages, and I saw that I was almost out of time on it. I made a trip Sinking Spring to get some more, and to also buy some shampoo and stuff because I was nearly out. It was a nice ride. I managed to do the ten miles in 50 minutes. Because my bike is a single-gear, it is generally slower than when I would take the mountain bike.
The kittens are getting bigger and bigger every day. They have started to eat the food I give the adults. I will have to give them their own bowl soon, because I can't be having the kittens climb in the bowl and block the food for Omega and U. They don't like how I give the kittens attention, and they really don't like having a little fuzzy face in their food bowl.
I finished Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy today. That makes 11 games completed in my gaming blog's challenge. I only have 298 more games to finish. And the blog is about to receive its one-thousandth view. It's amazing, because I had received some opinions that no one would read it because no one cared. I have to hand to the Russians, they sure seem to care about some American guy's video game stories.
I also had a massive Osu! gaming session today. I raised my ranked quite a bit and have nearly met my goal of being in the Top 900 in the U.S.A. in osu!mania. I am at #915 now. I played multiplayer mode for more than three hours. I made a couple friends as well. The three of us may compete in team tournaments in the future.
I received a copy of Dark Cloud 2 in the mail today. And for now, my game collection is complete. I won't get any more games until the holidays are here. That's when I will ask Santa for the money to get Grand Theft Auto V, Lightning Returns, and the HD remake of Final Fantasy X/X-2. And if Santa's wallet is thin, I will just ask my family for the money on my birthday.
I finished Kill Me Baby last night. I was not let down with the finale. I still found the show funny. I think my favorite parts of the show were when the show would have the little clips of the show's title and have a voice say "Baby, please kill me!" That is probably the funniest part. I also saw another episode of Kaiji. The main character managed to win three out of four games of Rock, Paper, Scissors. So exciting. It took the show twenty-four minutes to do something that would take a normal person two minutes to complete.
Tomorrow will be another day full of gaming and anime fun. I am not sure what I will do (other than laundry, I have to do that), but I am sure I will have fun doing it. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...