8 Days
, 02-26-2013 at 06:24 PM (709 Views)
As you can probably guess from the title, I did not get my PS3 today. It's too bad because I was looking forward to it all day today. But it gave me an idea on what to talk about if I ever do another YouNow live stream again. I think I may write a pre-review of my latest game purchases. For example, I have kept my exposure to Final Fantasy XIII-2 at a minimum. I avoided the threads here (and other places) as much as possible (I couldn't avoid them all). I have only seen what TFF member Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima has posted on YouTube gameplay-wise. Other than that, I read the manual, disc case, and Episode i. I have talked a little about it with people, but that was rare, and I don't really remember most of it. So, a pre-review might be fun.
Catherine would be a bit more difficult, because of all of the live streams I have seen Gypsy Elder do. I have seen what I assume is probably 25-30% of the story, and tons of attempts at Babel. And I have even taken a sort of break from watching her (don't kill me) because I am literally hours from being able to play the game myself. That's why I didn't watch her play last weekend. I did not even check my Email at night last weekend because if I saw that she was streaming then I would on impulse click on the link.
But that may be what I do on YouNow. It would be something different than just regular gaming videos.
As far as my videos go, I haven't done anything more with them. I was hoping to record commentary today for Episode 2 of the tiny-series. But it was raining really hard all day, plus work was actual work today. More on that in a bit. And I made dinner tonight and that was fun. So, recording was put aside today. If the rain lets up and it quiets down here, I may do it later on. Otherwise, I could do it in the morning.
On to work. First, it rained. A lot. And it was cold in the office because the heat was turned off overnight. One good thing is that there weren't any letters waiting for me telling how I could better the paper. That's great! I got started on the ads I had in the tray. First was the full page that Misty sold for the college, then I worked on everything else I had to do. It is looking like it will be a 12-page paper, which is something I haven't had in weeks. But it will only be that way because of the special section we are doing.
Because of National Cheerleading Week starting on Friday, we are running pictures of the county's cheerleaders. And you know something, it felt weird purposefully looking for pictures of these underage girls. Not only that, I was getting paid to do it. But to top it all off, I actually had to call one of the schools and request that they send a picture to the email for inclusion in the paper. This is not something I was comfortable with in the slightest. I was thinking, "I only see this conversation going in one of two ways. I either pull this off smoothly and get the picture sent to us, or I come off as a big pervert." So, I spoke in a higher than normal voice when I was on the phone. Even in normal phone speech I am often mistaken for a girl. This way I could give the impression that I was female in order to help secure the picture for the paper. But, I ended up having to leave a message on the coach's voicemail. So now I have to call them again in the morning.
*For those of you that have never heard me speak, and can't be bothered to watch one of my YouTube videos, my voice is rather high.
Anyway, toward the end of the day, Misty called the office saying she sold a double truck ad for the paper this week. Which is super! But with the new system of sending the paper to the press, I have no idea how to get it to translate to the actual paper. How things are now, everything is set in single pages. Before, we would send each page separately. Now that we have to send it as one document, I don't know how to make one page into two. So Misty will be coming in to show me.
Let's see, what else is there...?
I am now in 15th Place in Gaming King. There was a recent surge in votes for the person who was behind me, but now I am behind him. Oh well.
Tomorrow I am finishing up the paper. After that, I have a couple things to change on the Easter brochure. It is ready for printing now, but there is a change I have to make for it to be done in the eyes of the owner. And after that, I will most likely begin work on the Dairy Bar menu. The After the Game menu was approved and is on its way. I am almost to jumping up and down excited about that. Almost.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...