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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

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The title of this entry is to point out that I still have made 6 of the last 10 blog entries here. Just a sign that everyone seems to have a busier life than I do, or maybe they are saving up all the exciting stuff in their lives for a super entry. Or maybe they just don't feel up to it. Or maybe there's a video game that is taking up everybody's time. I don't know. Anyway...

I was ready to leave for work at 8am this morning. And Dad was ready to drive me to work. I would have taken my bike (because it was so warm and nice today), but it was at the office. Anyway, Dad was ready. And then he looked in the DVR box's selctions and found vampire porn.


Vampire porn.

And since he is deaf (or just needs to get the wax out of his ears), the television's volume was really high. I should not hear stuff like that through my walls. My room is on the other side of the house, and I could still hear it clearly. When I went to get the pets their breakfast, I tied my winter scarf around my head to muffle the sound, and kept my eyes closed. I am glad that I can walk through the house without haven't to see where anything is. I fed the cats and Luca, but I didn't put the food back until the television was off.

That only took about seven minutes. So, for him to finish watching his show, I went to my room and did nothing. I am usually on my way to work at this time, so I had nothing to do. I keep a routine, and I have no backup activity for when Dad is watching porn instead of driving me to work. So I waited. A little while later, my brother goes in and joins him in watching it. Then, the phone rings. It's Floozy! I am fuming at this point. I walk in to the front room with my eyes closed, and throw (underhanded) the phone to Dad. The less time I am in there the better. Dad says "Ow!" I don't care.

When Dad finally finishes the show, he comes over to my room and starts yelling about me throwing the phone at him. Instead of saying what I wanted ("You need to pay your portion of the bill if you want to continue using it!") I say, "I've told you plenty of times that I am tired of answering the phone for you. There are phone jacks throughout the house, connect one and use it." Then he whines that he has been super busy (A lie, because he would have money if had actually done something) and that it is really wet under the house (which is probably true). Instead of pointing out that we have had the phone for several months now, and he has had plenty of dry days to go under the house; I walk out to the truck, get in it, and sit in silence as my driver does what he does. I didn't even thank him when I exited the truck. I said, "See you later!", and that was it.

Anymore, that is all Dad is. A chauffer. Certainly not a father. He is the worst kind of roommate. Maybe there is worse in your opinion, but for me, the worst kind is the one that doesn't pay there share of the bills. Speaking of which, the next phone bill arrived today. And Dad still hasn't paid his portion of the last one. I covered his part last time, and unfortunately, I will probably do the same this time. I don't want something in my name to get a late fee, or worse, affect my credit score. Anyway, Dad now owes me $96.57. That will probably increase again when I have to cover both his and my brother's portions of the electric bill due Friday. And increase again when the water bill comes and is due on February 10.

One more thing on Dad for tonight. I called the house this afternoon, because I didn't think I would be able to get home before it got dark today (reason explained a little later), so I wanted someone to be at Grandma's when I arrived. As usual, no one was there to answer the phone. Why? Dad was with Floozy on his motorcycle. He didn't think when I didn't call at 3pm that maybe something had happened to me. He was more interested in his joyride with that drug user. That's all on him for tonight.

Work today was fine. I bought some food for the office. I bought chicken salad and buns, a variety pack of chips, and some breakfast foods for us.

(I just remembered that I have to make brownies tonight! I need to finish this up quickly!)

Since Gabby and Iris sometimes bring stuff in, I figured I would as well. The three of us are like a little family. We all get along and have a lot of fun (unlike the family that I am related to). I worked on the paper, and finished all the ads I was given.

(I just remembered that I also have to find Super Bowl party ideas as well as tips on being a better and healthier person for 2013! I had a whole week to find this stuff and I procrastinated! I never used to do that kind of stuff! I was always the first to hand in projects and papers. I have begun to slack off in my youth!)

So I started to work on finalizing the menu. But for the longest time, I couldn't figure out what to do with the inside of it. I rearranged the stuff every which way but right. But then it came to me.

Delete all of it!

Start from scratch!

The way it was before was the way the previous composer did stuff. This was my chance to shine! I started with a blank canvas, and managed to make a sophisticated design for the menu. I am still not finished, but I am nearly (again, nearly) finished.

The reason why I was so late in coming home was because I stayed late at work. Pam, the owner, came to help me with the menu, but all she really did was distract me and talk my ear off. I would have finished if I didn't have to pay attention and listen to everything she said. And she shares the same annoying quality that Iris and Gabby have. All three of them hit me in the arm when they are really excited to tell me something. It's like they don't think that simply saying my name will not get my attention. I have a bruise on both arms from all the whacks I have taken recently.

One final thing about work, and then I have to finish this entry. Iris and Gabby crossed the line today. I am fine with listening to all the girl talk. I am used to hearing about periods and dates and all the other stuff girls talk about. I listened all through school (my best friends were girls - a cheerleader, a sporty girl, and a bookworm). But you do NOT mention some other guys private area. That's like, guy code or something. There was a whole episode about it on How I Met Your Mother. It is none of my business that Gabby's new boyfriend got an erection while the two of them were kissing (as you all probably do not have a clue about who any of these people are - treat this whole situation as something you would read in a book, then it's not as weird).

But yeah, you don't cross that line. It's not that it's gross or anything, it's just something you don't tell another guy. Even one you don't consider to be a guy. I will have to look back and see if I told you about that. But if I haven't, it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Anyway, I have brownies to make, and articles to write. So, I will have to stop for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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