7 Days
, 01-13-2014 at 11:06 PM (723 Views)
It's only seven days until Mom comes home. I am getting excited for it to finally be the 20th. But I am not excited enough to work on getting the house ready for her arrival. I thought about working on getting it ready, but it didn't go to the actual doing part of it. There is a lot to do. Sweep and mop the kitchen, vacuum the floors, wash the sheets on Mom's bed, get rid of the cobwebs in Mom's room, clean off the island so she can actually use it, etc. If I can get my brother to stop thinking with his penis for a day, I might convince him to help out. But he's too hung up on that girl of his. When he's home, all he does is argue with her on the phone. That will stop when Mom comes home, because I am going to cancel the phone service.
Here's why. I can't afford it. If I cancel it, then it is $40+ that I will be able to use on the house payment or other bills. And since my brother never seems to have money unless it is to buy gas to run up and down the roads to his girlfriend's house. Honestly, I don't see my brother living here long once Mom comes home. Mom won't let him waste his money on some skeezy chick (Mom's actual words once she meets her will be much worse). And my brother will have to choose which woman he wants more, his mother or his girlfriend.
Anyway, it will definitely be interesting to see once it happens.
I have two more world cards in my possession in Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. Hollow Bastion and 100-Acre Wood. Before I started this entry, I had just finished the fight with Riku after completing the Neverland floor. I wrote down some of the stats before taking the laptop by the fire this evening. I am at Level 41, with 445 HP and 450 CP. I have learned 6 Sleights so far. I also earned the Interceptor trophy today as well. I did have a little trouble against Ursula while in Atlantica. The kind of trouble that resulted in me using a Continue. So, that's twice now. And when I first started playing today, I forgot that I saved before finishing a new deck configuration. I did a whole battle with only three cards. Pluto was very nice and showed up a lot in that battle.
I also played some osu!mania, which I hadn't done in a while. I noticed that my score rank was back on page 14, so I worked on getting it back on page 13. I am #645 in highest score. I am quickly approaching the 1 billion point mark. My overall score is 919,284,613 points right now. My skill rank is still lower than 10,000 though.
It looks like it's going to be another rainy day tomorrow. I guess if I get too bored I could work on cleaning up the house some. There's not really much point in doing some of the thing that need done until the day before Mom comes home, because they would just need redone then anyway. But other tasks could get finished before then. Oh well, it'll get done.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...