5 Days
, 01-15-2014 at 09:41 PM (717 Views)
This evening my brother and I discussed Mom coming home some. Well, it started out like that. I had to dig through my desk for her last letter, because my brother needed to know what time to be at the prison to get her. It looks like my brother and sister will be going to get her now. And depending on the weather, they may be making a stop in Xenia (some place in Ohio that I have never been, but I do know that there was a really bad tornado to go through there in the 70s) to get some stuff taken care of with my brother's legal things. Anyway, after reading the letter, I went and checked the weather forecast for Monday and then figured out the best route for them to take. And that's when the discussion switched over to a "Let's see what has changed on Google Maps now that the satellite has gone over the area" game. My brother's old workplace has changed a lot. He showed me how there is a whole section of cars that can't be touched because they are all stolen. And then I went and saw my house, and how it hasn't changed. After that, we went back to what we were doing.
And that was pretty much the only thing outside of my usual things that I did today. I have U sleeping at my feet at the moment. He spent the last few nights outside, but he was not wanting to make it three nights in a row. Not with how cold it is right now. I think one of my fears about Mom coming home is that she will not like my pets. She is very superstitious, and four of my cats could be considered black cats. However, none of them are completely black. U and lowercase have white spots under their next. U, lowercase, and Not-So-Mega have white spots on their bellybutton area. Omega and Not-So-Mega have brown fur mixed in their black fur and makes them look as if they are rusting. But Mom may not see them like that. I may have to choose, my mother or my pets. As much as I want to say both, I doubt I will get that chance. My mother will just have to live with it. Omega, Itsy Bitsy, Stri-P-Grr, Not-So-Mega, lowercase, U, and Luca are more than just pets. They kept me company when I was here by myself, and have been through so much with me. They are my family, and I won't let anyone take that away...even my Mother.
Tomorrow will be a cold and snowy delivery day. But I have been told that my check will be given to me at 10am, so I know to take my time and not finish working too soon. If I am riding my bike, I will be moving and getting the blood pumping so I won't get too cold. It sucks though because I was hoping that it would stay warm.
My brother did take my Wal-Mart letter to the UPS drop-off today. I had to put the letter with his sodas, to make sure that he took it with him. So, I should be getting an Email in the next couple of days with the next step, hopefully.
Well, that's all for now. I have to be up soon, and I want to get some sleep so I will have a reason to wake up (I can't wake up if I am already awake). So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...