6 Days
, 01-14-2014 at 08:44 PM (696 Views)
As nice and warm as it was during the day, it sure isn't that right now as I type this. It is cold, wet, and rainy outside. Omega came in the house completely soaked. I dried him off with a towel, and now he's drinking from the water bowl. I am thinking about maybe watching a movie or something tonight to drown out the sound of the rain hitting the roof. That and the wind is making tonight really dreary.
I made it to the point in Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories that I have never gotten past. And I can get past it. I am standing outside the gate of the mansion in Twilight Town, and I am up against Vexen again. It was hard enough defeating him the first time. And now I can't defeat him again. I could really use some help with it. If you would, tell me how you got over this obstacle; what cards did you use? It would really help, and I'd appreciate it.
I started working on getting the house ready for Mom. I focused my time today and tidying up her room. I washed her bedsheets and got the stench of Dad off of them. I know for certain that Mom wouldn't want to sleep on the same sheets that he and Floozy slept in. It doesn't matter that she only stayed her one night.
This morning I had to take an unplanned shower. I was coughing, and ended up vomiting, getting it in my hair. So the shower I had only eight hours earlier was pointless, because I had another one this morning. Anyway, I doubt you want to hear yet another tale about how I can't keep food down.
I asked my brother this morning before he left for work if he would take the letter I have to send to Wal-Mart for my reimbursement to the drop-off today. He said he would. Then ten minutes later, he leaves for work, and without taking the letter. As he was pulling out of the driveway, I run outside and start chasing him down the road. He didn't notice me running behind him waving my arms like a crazy person. So, I told him about it when he got home. He says it's because he can't remember anything well anymore. I thought in my head that maybe if he had stayed the night here instead of at his girlfriend's he might have remembered something I ask him ten minutes before he leaves.
Well, that's all for now. Today's NEWSday entry in my gaming blog was about gaming tournaments. There are few happening later this month. Anyway, go over and check it out if you want. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...