So, it's finally done.
, 01-30-2013 at 07:20 PM (867 Views)
I am posting this entry earlier than usual because I am really tired right now. I worked late again today. But the good news is that I finally finished the menu I have been working on for weeks, and I am getting paid for the extra work I am doing. Well, the extra time I have been working in the afternoons. The morning stuff is still voluntary. But I am thinking now that the menu is done, the voluntarily coming in early to be able to work more and get things done will end. Now that I am back to only working on the paper, my work load will be less and I won't have to come in early. At least for a while. When the next project comes, and it's already been decided that it's coming, I will either (a) ask for a permanent raise (at least $1) to my wages, or (b) ask to be paid for all the time I work (excluding the work I do at home of course).
Actually, as I read what I just typed, it kinda makes me sound selfish. I mean, I have only been working as composer for 11 weeks (I keep track on my fancy desk calendar at work). I should appreciate what I do earn, because without it I would not be able to have all the nice things I have gotten because of the extra money. Besides, the paper can't really afford to give me more money. I think I will hold that thought to myself for now. You know what I mean. I won't mention it to my coworkers.
Pam and Iris did hold interviews today for another sales representative. The vibe around the office is that Misty is going to be leaving soon. And from what I have been told, it's true. Misty did relinquish her power as composer and office manager to Iris and I, choosing to focus on school. She has been making Gabby step up more and more each week. I think that the Easter brochure (the next specialty project) will be her way of going out with a bang. She told Iris and I that she is going to try and sell the entire brochure within the next week or two. If she's successful, that's $1,400+ in sales. It would be super if she is able to.
So yeah, there were three interviews today. I got to listen in because I was working. I do hope that whoever is chosen does a great job, but I have little faith that any of them will. First, none of them provided a resume. This is something that I would take notice of when evaluating them. After all, it just looks unprofessional. Second, all three of them gave Pam and Iris no specific answers to their questions. One has worked at a newspaper before, but her response on why she no longer works there was so vague. I just think that Pam and Iris should check up on the references they gave before choosing. But they won't, or didn't, because they told each person that they would receive a phone call that evening.
But as I am just the composer (and official circulation manager, Pam gave me a title today!), I don't really have a say in who gets hired. So, if anything goes wrong, the blame will not be on me. I think there should have been a test of some kind to see if they have what it takes to sell ads. It's not something anyone can just do.
Moving on...
The weather is so crazy this week. Yesterday, I wore shorts to work and kept the office door wide open. Today, it rained and stormed and was really windy. Tomorrow it will be freezing and will most likely snow. There have been several pictures on my Facebook feed today to illustrate what I mean.
And that's pretty much how it has been here lately. You have to take advantage of the warm days, because the next day it's quite likely to snow at least a foot. And tomorrow I am delivering in what will probably be the coldest Thursday of the winter. I wish it would just choose a temperature and stay at it. Life would be so much easier that way.
Anyway, it is coming up on 9:30pm, and I still have to get a shower and set my alarm clock for the morning. I already have Itsy Bitsy and U in my room (Omega hasn't been seen since about 6pm, he's probably asleep in the hay), so my sleep tonight should be pleasant. For some reason, I am able to sleep while it rains if the cats are in bed with me. Maybe they make me protected and safe or something. Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...