I have Sandy Cheeks again.
, 11-11-2012 at 07:38 PM (7312 Views)
I will start with gaming news tonight. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, I am at Day 16. I repeatedly died in the mission with Larxene against the Zip Slasher. I am confident in my ability against this Heartless, as I am now memorizing its attack pattern. The game is different than the other KH games, but it still quite enjoyable.
I am 22 stamps away from accessing the final board in Monopoly. I unlocked the Deco Board. I have 5 stamps to collect from the Sweet Board, 13 from the Jungle Board, and 2 from both the Ice and Deco Boards. So, Cardboard Board here I come.
Finally in gaming, I am borrowing my sister's boyfriend's copy of Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom. I am nearly complete with it, but I don't know at this time exactly close I am. I haven't played it for about a month, so everything is a little foggy.
Moving on, my sister came to visit tonight. She brought her boyfriend and his three kids along as well. As usual, I was the unofficial babysitter. I don't know what it is, but kids just gravitate to me. Actually, I do know why. It's because I have all the cool toys. I traded Pokemon with the youngest, talked about Pokemon and other games with the middle child, and received a lesson about Pokie Ninjas (spellcheck on that) from the oldest. They seem like good kids, and I don't mind having them in my room while my sister and her boyfriend are here. I mean, if they were crapping or leaving my room in a big(ger) mess than when they arrived, then I would have a problem. But they don't, so I'm cool with it.
Speaking of my room, I put a new sign on my door. I made a No Smoking sign today and put it underneath the sign that says that it's my room. I even put it in English since Dad and my brother don't understand Chinese. It has just gotten so bad in this house with both Dad and my brother smoking. My room is my only refuge from their smoking. So much for Dad's promise of smoking outside when he came home (that promise lasted until the first day it rained). I knew I should have thrown away all the ashtrays before he came back. All I can hope for now is that cigarettes continue their gradual rise in price so that it becomes too expensive for Dad to purchase them. I don't have to worry about my brother too much since he will be leaving going back to Dayton soon.
I did have a rule breaker come in and smoke in my room today though. My sister's boyfriend came in and sat down with a cigarette and watched his son and I play Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. I didn't say anything, because I was too focused on the game. But I did hold my breath long enough to make him notice that I was uncomfortable, and he quickly went out of my room. Maybe I should have made the sign bigger. It is a 3 x 5 card, and I placed it at eye level. Oh well, he took the hint and that works for me.
Dad hasn't felt good all day, he says. He didn't even go to church this morning because of it. He took his blood pressure, and did it wrong. He had a reading of 211/174. I told him how to do it properly. His next reading was much better. I forget the actual measurement, but his BP was normal. His Heart Rate was high though (97 BPM). Well, high compared to mine. Mine is only 44 BPM.
Well, that's about all for now. Bikini Bottom is calling out to me, so I am going to play there for a while. I can't wait to finish that game, just so I can add it to my list and delete it from my memory card. Hope to see you around the forums, and until then...